police at asda

1 year ago

Asda was complicit with the evil doers, blocked my legal right to access the records with my person, the video when St Helens Police dishonored me, threatened me to be harassed until I will be arrested, they have lied, God Forbid! No, I am good hearted patriotic heart, trying to provide real pieces of evidence of the double standard, of the poisoning of the food, the air, the water, the soil, killing in a premeditation evil manner their own citizen, covering up this for money, as if they will succeed to pass this threat..... their own life is in danger.
Asda refused to give me the SAR records, and gave me a partially missing part 2 of the archive, impossible to create a unit, and when I demanded another method to receive this vital information for me, they gave me a link that made me give them all the control permanently over my own personal email address, so, I blocked them.

1 29 03 2022 asda pump 6 st helens police blocked me to put petrol into my car threatening me to be arrested 5time and all my complaints would be closed by them against them by their officer Asda complice blocked me to access my SAR records, stopped me, giving me a link unsafe giving them total protection over my own Gmail account.

For all those asking me what is the point to put out videos of low quality, I am telling you only this: I have to adapt to a new requirement, according to my own logistic.

I. I don't have a phone at all for a year. I used to have for the past 4 years only second-hand phones from Cash-converters UK, Samsung, an old, very ancient, without stabilization, and very low video quality, the system is not performing as I wished for, the RAM is very disappointing, ROM is not more than 125 G, and full of unstable pictures and video recordings. Due to RAM, the quality of the video, and images, I could only have a decent audio registration when I tried to ask the phone to do 2 tasks simultaneously, meaning 1. recording video and audio using the normal camera and 2. recording the scene, the entire situation, with the whole situation, registering 2. also video and audio, allowing screen recorder to perform with that technical ability.

II. I am not pleased with the video quality, it is a disappointment for me, too, but, I have to adapt, at this moment, after 4 years of living in the UK, I am a witness to immorality, to illegal situations, I am not complicit, I made it public, even BBC, government, ursula, CE, all parties concerned covered this up, especially the evidence that they are intentionally killing their own citizens, using that XRAY even for 10 times for a product. All their products and all food is radiated, and there is no legal information on the label, especially that is not good for human consumption, this is the reason for cancer in children, diabetic, overweight, and heaviness in the body. laziness, the IQ is lowered, the brain is not functioning properly.

I demonstrated that we are tracked in real-time, knowing the risk, I put my own mobile number from the UK, for 3 years ago, and that number was impossible to change because HMRC has only this number and blocks a real need for a resident or a citizen to change the number from personal reasons, this is forbidden here in the UK.
The double standard is here the normality.
3 years ago, I made it public that the 5G is a bad technology, that was ready for implementation in the sky, the last test was done back then, and was a successful one.
I saw people working in these facilities, they are full of hate, they think we are the enemy, they think we deserve to be killed, they don't have the discernment, and I knew from that moment, why Jesus Christ is our Justifier. I was with Jesus Christ in the Spirit, over 2 countries, russia and turkey, russia had a demonic spirit of the most poisonous red color, that is the communist poison, turkey has the spirit of the color of the most awful pale green, the same of the color of the pale horse in Revelations, of the death, the most horrific. Both those demonic spirits hated humans, they could not sense me, being there, hidden by the Hand of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as a witness to that testing in hidden military laboratory biological weapons against humans, seduced by the evil demonic spirits in the unseen realm that this is the just, the normal thing to do. Now, God told me this is the time to make it public, in order to awaken, I saw that, I made it public only a small part of this, days before putin and erdogan agreement.. now, I can tell more. I am a prophet of God, and God respects His Covenant Amos 3:7- God will not do anything before revealing to his prophets, Psalms: Do not harm my prophets or God will Judge you this life.
At that moment, putin and erdogan had a long time of negotiations, they agreed to that form that was helping each one of them, strategicallly aliance, when they shake their hands, this was days before, when media promoted the lie, that putin and erdogan hates each other.

3 years ago I exposed that they are tracking us in real-time, I added only my mobile number on the site of Telefonica, and instantly, the satellites knew where I was, all the plains, knew how much they have until they passed by me, with a real-time location, and they promised to provide 5 advanced levels, next level to be more advanced, for 0,50. They tracked us since then, to know when we are not at home, to sabotage our lives, and even put hidden cameras to monitor us. Even military satellites are now easy to be hacked from the dark side, the plains transporting evil technology that was waiting to be activated, to kill humans, not only the plains that damaged our atmosphere with dangerous gases, planned to provoke chemical reactions in the chain.
The agents of the darkness are the ones disinforming people that this is an UFO, when there are demonic beings, still able to seduce people, to hypnotize a false reality, that can manipulate the matter, they are the fallen beings interdimensional ones, with the ability to shapeshift, to be either a rocket, an UFO, a human, a demonic birds, and more, but they lose their power at the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, they paralysis.
I love technology, but for the last 4 years, I have had to adapt. My laptop has nothing performant, I am away from my own abilities, but I know the most important is to make it known in due time.
I knew the risks, but I did it in order in this year 2023 to come to an end to this evil demonic curse.
Now, that moment of war from Heavens from Revelations 12, just happened, that celestial scene with the Virgin giving birth to a male, raptured in Heavens, the woman receiving wings and satan the dragon, the old serpent, could not get her, the time of 1260 days ended on December 2021, God extended His Mercy for another season, a year, ending last December 2022, now, there is no more mercy left, and this is the time of Judgment of God. Now, Archangel Michael was sent with the Host of Heavens, destroying satan with the fallen beings, the mercy glass with the unjust of the world was complete by December 2022, and now, this year 2023 the diabolic technology of satan using the reptilian brain to hate each other, not to be in harmony, that animalic part, will be soon silenced, we will know again the Voice of Our Holy Father, we will live miracles, and the evil doers will die, like klaus swabs and more, they were judged and found guilty in the 3rd Heaven. Now, more than a billion souls will be saved.
I know this is for me a form that is not representing myself, I am beyond, but I have to do it, because I have more than 20000 videos and images and I have to select in the tiniest space, no logistics, in the conditions that the demons possessed leaders, like angela merkel, like the reptilian royal family, the seed of satan, children of satan, camila being that demonic woman riding the beast and drinking the blood of the saints. They will not be king and queen, God will expose them. God will expose this actor called biden, joe is dead for years, now satan obama is ruling this world, sabotaging our lives, our own money to be invested in this mass population suicide, especially the lie of co2 net zero, when carbon dioxide is the air we breathe out, and we inspire the oxygen, the green nature is transforming this carbon dioxide into our oxygen using chlorophyll ability of photosynthesis, this is one of the hugest deceptions of the world, that co2 is evil, to declare our own death in the next 7 years, this is the reason of the education brainwashed people, and the food radiated, our brain not to be oxygenated in order to have a better discernment and focus, even having our water full of flor in order to make us stupid, low quality indecent, antisocial persons, to have the lowest IQ possible.
This is a success for satan, but everything it is reversed already this year 2023, 5G, the antimatter portal they tried to open on 05.08.2022 at Cern to release the apolon spirit to accelerate the time of the antichrist beast 666 apolon now, since 2022, only God stopped, people were not saved at that moment and they could go in tormenting pains in hell. Cern will have a portal opened towards 3rd Heaven, not to hell. satan still try to accelerate this year, for the next months, because in 2024 it is already elected 3rd time elected, and they will lose their powers. They try to bring the antichrist spirit of apolon, they prepared also the mentality of this world, that there are ufo, et, when they are the ones, this is a preparation, because satan knows he can't act outside the limited time and concepts of the power than Holy Bible is allowing him, he knows that we are going to be raptured before the antichrist to be revealed to the world, this is his justification for that chaos when in a second, pilots will disappear, drivers, all important persons are raptured, and he has to explain the chaos, the explosions, the deaths, the pollution, all, and this "good guy" antichrist will be presented to the world, to save the world, people to adore him, to be seduced by him, only for 21 months, after that, will be that 21 months of the most awful living, creatures from hell will be in plain sight. Even the time is limited, if now the day has 16 hours according to Schuman resonance. And the time will be shortened even more, to 12 hours a day, the 7 years will be in fact 3 years and a half, meaning 42 months. This is all, and after that, we will be back with Our Lord Jesus Christ, they will be in chains for a millennium, and after that, the evil doers with satan will be transferred to another planet hell, to be tormented forever, and this planet will become another planet, passing to another dimension, and Our Holy Father will have His new Throne, as it was intended in the beginning, on earth as it is in heavens, no more need of sun, no more need of battle.
I knew that I exposed myself, I was harassed by St Helens Police because in their demonic system, until 2023, they marked me as a threat, they were sent to follow me, even 5th time, I was not even in the traffic, I was on a pump at asda, filling my car with petrol, and they threatened me with 3 cars, one looking like the prisoners, taking my key, stopping me from filling, telling me that they will not stop to hunt me down until I will be arrested and all my complaints will be canceled until I told them the real truth, that I have a Master degree in Law, even more, I am also an expert in food safety, quality, health and safety and environment, I didn't mention them that I have the qualification of the external auditor. I told them only that this is an abuse, they must stop, or I will go higher, and that they are used to stop me to complain with legal evidence that they are killing their own citizens. On 29.03.2023,Thank to God, this was the last time they harassed me.
I could not find a more deformed country, like the UK. Romania is far and beyond. I have enough evidence now, in 4 years, I will go back, God was right, this is under a curse, they live under an illusion that their ways are the best, but the cave is too gentle to say. I will release more. I planned to have a decent phone, they hacked my phone I could not use this sim for the last 3 years, they even dared to pretend to be me, to call and disturb directors in the night, they thought it was my fault when I don't have a phone since a too long. I intended to buy a decent laptop, but at my last job, at Filters Design St Helens, they mocked me to ask them to give me a different type to be recognized in their system, not to give my face as the most important biodata, in a factory, not a secret military base, but in suprema2, a terminal that had no security at all, sold on ebay for 200 gbp. They denied my legal right, I was denied to work, they blackmailed me on 18.01.2022, threatened me, and not allowed me to work 2nd week, not from the beginning, and since then I asked for 14 months to ICO to provide me a link or a way to upload that evidence, important to stop Filters design ST Helens to repeat this again and again, this being the highest risk in the classification of the breach of the data protection act Eur Reg 679/2016, in order me to give the acceptance, if I wanted that risk or ask my legal right, another decent moral form, to protect the others not to become victims due to lack of informing. They are deceived in their mentality that this is the best way, they don't care about the law.
I continued to be identified by the evil doers as a fraud person, I can't even challenge that result, in their forms, I have no legal right from the beginning, and that person continues to identify me the same.
I do apologize, but the information is more important, in order you to know the real facts, to discern the sabotaging illusion of satan and his evil ones. Thank you, again, for accepting me, my account, it is not a fake one, I started now to present the evidence, I have the time of 2 days to understand the limits, because I am all alone in this, I have to handle it alone, to check the real information, to connect with real information in my possession, with a very limited free space of less than 100 G, I try my best to find free technical solutions to transform all videos from 720 to 5-10 Mb, even if it is 144 in order to be possible to share it publicly, I am happy when I can succeed to this minimum possibility.
I plan this March to be back in Romania, and, after that, I can provide better quality, this is not me.
I appreciate your kind understanding and support in this situation. Thank you for existing this free rumble.com, you are providing amazing services! I was banned by FB, and denied my pieces of information about the 40 years cover up of Burzynski cancer treatment in USA, as being not real fact, they blocked my access to use my own personal account called draghicid@gmail.com since 2005, paid in advance to have the maximum space, they blocked a paid service to be provided, they erased all my comments about XRAY, radiation of all food, as like I was never there, but, I have all the evidence by my side. This is who I am, I am telling only the Truth and expose with evidence they can't reedit or fake anymore. Not this 2023! They lost already, they know, they are trying to hide away the truth. They are on the loser side, we are on the Blessed winning side! Soon, this March, amazing experiences will be sensed all over the world. Glory to God! Amen!

Respectfully Yours

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