20230220-Trudeau, You Magnificent Ignorant, Arrogant, Racist Maroon

2 years ago

A few weeks ago, around the anniversary of the trucker convoy, which sent him to the cottage in pants-pissing terror, Trudeau committed to the WEF policy of killing the agricultural sector.

Pursuing this brought down Jacinda "Horse Teeth" Ardern in New Zealand. It brought the Dutch farmers into open revolt. In one year it took Sri Lanka from a food exporter to starvation.

And PM Paints His Face is going to pursue it.

A country can survive an arrogant leader. A country can survive an ignorant leader. But the unique combination of blinding ignorance and insurmountable arrogance that is our PM? To be determined.

We all know that Trudeau is a bigot. By the woke left's own standards anyone who wears blackface is a racist. We don't know how often the trust fund tyrant dressed up in blackface, but we know it's at least three times.

By HIS own standards he's a racist.

And his policy of killing Canadian agriculture is going to hurt whom the most? The people on the tail end of the supply chain, i.e. poor people. Poor people in black and brown countries.

But why would a racist care if poor brown and black people starve?

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