BCP: Msgr Graubner and synodal LGBTQ journey in Prague

2 years ago

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On the occasion of the opening of the European Synodal Assembly on 5 February 2023, Archbishop Jan Graubner delivered a model sermon. He spoke about the need for a change in thinking, about the relationship to Christ crucified, and about the fact that it is not enough to listen to people, but that it is important above all to perceive God’s voice. He also made other truthful statements, including quotations from the Holy Scriptures. Jan Graubner spoke like a true prophet. Every sincere Christian must agree with his statements. Pseudo Pope Bergoglio also delivers exemplary sermons. He is not afraid to touch on sensitive issues that other preachers prefer to keep quiet about. For example, he talks about polite demons whom people have at home without realizing it. Bergoglio also gives enchanting speeches about the most intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. He asks questions as if Jesus Himself were asking his listeners through his mouth: Do you love Me? This is the question Jesus asked Peter at the Lake of Gennesaret.
During the meeting, Graubner also gave a speech that was transmitted live on the radio. His mysterious words, however, cannot be understood by anyone who is not familiar with Bergoglio’s agenda including the uncompromising demand for welcoming LGBTQ people in the Church. Graubner said: “What seems important to me ... is to be open to those outside, but also to be sensitive to our community, which must not be closed, but we must all create that community together, so as not to marginalize someone from those who have not yet been on the margins, while we want to somehow invite others in from there. This pursuit of true balance and generosity I think is important.”
Who will decipher the meaning of these words? The key is to realize the relationship between the pseudo Pope Bergoglio and Graubner. Both have the same spirit, the same thinking, and follow the same agenda and the same path (syn hodos). On 24 January 2023, in an interview to the world’s media, Bergoglio called on Catholic bishops ... to welcome LGBTQ people into the Church... Francis said about those bishops who do not want to welcome them: “These bishops have to undergo a process of conversion.” As a result, they will become welcomers of unrepentant LGBTQ people in the Church.
Francis Bergoglio also said for the global press: “The criminalization of homosexuality is an issue that must not be allowed to pass by.” In an in-flight press conference when returning from Africa on 5 February 2023, he reiterated his assertion. Bergoglio in making such a statement de facto says that God’s laws and commandments, which are the foundation of just state legislation, must actually be passed by. In his statement, moreover, Bergoglio defends both criminal paedophilia and all other crimes related to homosexuality. However, he has not even once opposed the criminalization of innocent people labelled as homophobes.
Francis next said: “It is true that some (i.e. homosexuals) are in this state because of various unwanted situations.” The crime of a homosexual who either rapes or seduces an innocent youth or even an underage boy, thus committing the crime of paedophilia, is referred to by Bergoglio merely as an unwanted situation. This boy then, as Bergoglio says, “gets into this state”. In other words, he becomes a homosexual. Despite that, Bergoglio claims that these so-called unwanted situations, i.e. serious crimes of paedophilia and rape or fooling young people with homosexual propaganda, must not be criminalized, because it is unjust in his view. In fact, what is extremely unjust is to leave the youth at the mercy of the lies of gender ideology and not protect them with just legislation. Bergoglio hypocritically and manipulatively condemns this just legislation as the criminalization of homosexuality which must not be passed by.
After listening to Graubner’s prophetic sermon, an ordinary Catholic who follows current events in the Church wonders: Has the Church already resolved the crime of public Pachamama idolatry? Why do the bishops not mention this problem at all? The enthronement of this demon has caused great outrage and brought down a curse! We, the Catholic public, are still waiting for this great sin and abomination to be transparently brought to light and for Francis to do public and true penance. He de facto abolished the First Commandment of the Decalogue by his papal authority! The relationship between God and the Church he now illegally heads is severed. He committed a crime with no statute of limitations! But when we only hear Archbishop Graubner speak phrases about conversion and listening, we see that he deliberately avoids the essence. What is more, the crime of idolatry was once again repeated in Canada. There, under the guidance of a pagan sorcerer blowing a wild turkey bone whistle, Francis had himself consecrated to Satan and demons. Something like this is unprecedented in the history of the Church! The world public is outraged by this and we do not see repentance anywhere. Is this supposed to be a precedent to follow, so that we too will be dedicated to Satan and his demons? The continental assembly in Prague, however, does not deal with this heinous crime! Although Graubner speaks of repentance, and even of a relationship with the Crucified, he does not consider this undermining of the foundations of faith and salvation as a sin or a mistake at all. So what does Graubner understand by repentance? And what does he understand by the relationship to the crucified Christ? By his silence about these crimes, he spits in the face of the Crucified Christ! These are shocking facts that a Catholic is confused about.
This Continental Assembly does not even think of placing before Francis a demand for public penance for all that he has committed. Former US Nuncio C. M. Viganò demanded the resignation of Francis for covering up the serious crimes of abuse of seminarians committed by Cardinal McCarrick. Francis cynically laughed at his demand. Jan Graubner has a similar spirit of anti-repentance and the same thick skin. Bergoglio did not even repent for kissing the feet of a transsexual. In doing so, he de facto approved transsexualism with criminal gender reassignment. Bergoglio did not repent for the deceitful and evil campaign in favour of experimental mRNA vaccination either. It bears tragic fruit today. These crimes connected with vaccination for the Czech Republic were promoted in the same spirit by Jan Graubner.
All these are open, mortal wounds in the Body of the Church, and those who have gathered in Prague should seek to tackle these painful issues in the first place. Instead, they chant lofty phrases about listening, about receiving those who were outside... They do not care about the bleeding Mystical Body of Christ. They notoriously reject truth and repentance.
The agenda of the so-called synodal journey is deciphered in the person of its founder and promoter Bergoglio himself. For ten years, from the position of usurped highest authority in the Church, he has been intensively promoting homosexualism, transsexualism, and now even Q-orientation, which are perversions of the highest order. He violates God’s laws and commits crimes against God and the Church, for which he has brought upon himself a multiple curse, God’s anathema. Francis has embodied his agenda in the synodal journey. But only now, after his statement in the media on 24 January 2023, do we know that it is intrinsically connected with the Church’s legalization of LGBTQ. Apart from him, no one has so far revealed this openly anywhere. Consequently, Graubner’s mysterious phrases about receiving those who were outside are also placed in their true light.
Graubner on Radio Proglas: “The environment we live in is changing, and therefore some of our ways must change, but I think we have quite a lot of debt here, and I see that as a quite specific challenge for our environment as well.”
Those who are familiar with the pseudo Pope Bergoglio’s agenda, namely LGBTQ and idolatry propaganda, resulting in curse, will understand why the Czech Republic has quite a lot of debt. In terms of idolatry and LGBTQ propaganda, the Czech bishops, apart from Graubner, have not yet undergone the Bergoglian conversion. But this is ahead for them so that the Catholic Church can then be transformed into a New Age satanic anti-Church. Bergoglio pursues this goal through his Synod on Synodality. Graubner helps him intensively. That is why he brings God’s curse on himself, and that is also why every sincere Christian in the Czech Republic must know who Graubner really is, so as not to be deceived by his religious phrases.
After clarifying the current situation in the Church and showing what the essence of the Synod on Synodality is, as revealed by pseudo Pope Francis, the true meaning of Graubner’s otherwise mysteriously coded statement slips out, which begins with the words: “What seems important to me...” Everyone would expect that he will say that Bergoglio and church leaders need to do public penance for Pachamama idolatry, for consecration to demons in Canada, as well as for LGBTQ legalization related to the synodal journey and the demand for the conversion of bishops. Could there be anything more important than this? What is important to Graubner is quite the opposite. Exactly what Bergoglio promotes. Unlike Bergoglio, he does not yet say it openly, but only in code: “to be open to those outside”, i.e. to unrepentant LGBTQ people. The goal is to incorporate impenitence and immorality into the Church as the norm.
Graubner continues: “... our community, which must not be closed, but we must all create that community together...”
According to Graubner, we as Christians must not be closed to unclean spirits and the impenitence that comes with the LGBTQ lifestyle. He says we must all create that community together, i.e. have a unity of spirit and lifestyle with LGBTQ people. But that is suicide and rebellion against God and His commandments!
Graubner: “… so as not to marginalize someone from those who have not yet been on the margins, while we want to somehow invite others in from there.”
Who are those that have not yet been on the margins and Graubner is afraid of marginalizing them, while he wants to somehow invite others in from the margins? In line with Bergoglio’s agenda, he wants to bring in LGBTQ people, who notoriously refuse to repent. But this can cause those Catholics who were inside to start running away to the margins, where they have not been yet. Therefore, a method must be devised to change the thinking of Catholics so that they do not run away but create a so-called community together with unrepentant LGBTQ people. This means that not only bishops will have to go through conversion, but also every priest, every religious, and every believer. In other words, as Card. Kasper has mentioned recently, there is a plan for a great transformation of the Church. He did not say out loud where this transformation is heading, but it is quite clear. It is a transformation into a New Age anti-Church. It will drag masses of souls to destruction! Graubner calls the pursuit of this transformation, which starts with LGBTQ legalization, “the pursuit of true balance and generosity,” and he adds that he thinks it is important. Put another way, LGBTQ people generously received into the Church will soon reach a balance in their numbers, which will result in the absorption of Catholics by unclean spirits as LGBTQ people do not mean to break with them.
Bergoglio and Graubner have also opened themselves to the spirit of lies and death and to unclean spirits. Through them both, these spirits perform a pseudo-mission to infect the Church with LGBTQ spirits.
At the end of the sermon on 5 February 2023, in the Mass for the participants of the Continental Assembly of the Synod on Synodality, Graubner said: “Find the courage to come out of your darkness and make a new decision for Christ crucified, free yourself and come out of the prison of your ‘self’, shift the emphasis of thinking from your ‘I’ to God’s ‘You’.”
Archbishop Graubner, who, under the guise of the synodal journey, promotes LGBTQ perversion in unity with the archheretic Bergoglio, is in really serious darkness. Perhaps this unmasking of his criminal path will be his last chance to come out of this darkness. If he wants to save his soul, he must find the courage as well as humility to take concrete steps, namely:
1) to call LGBTQ legalization a rebellion against God and His laws;
2) to call Bergoglio’s Pachamama idolatry an idolatry and his consecration to demons in Canada an apostasy;
3) to apologize to the Czech Church and nation for the outrage and tragic consequences caused by his criminal promotion of dangerous experimental mRNA vaccination;
4) to leave the ecclesiastical office even before reaching the age of 75, and retire in repentance.

BCP – the voice of one crying in the wilderness

8 February 2023

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