V402 Rosh Chodesh XII 2023: Total Surrender, Successful Resistance (2023-02-20)

1 year ago

V402 Rosh Chodesh XII 2023: Total Surrender, Successful Resistance (2023-02-20)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20230220.html
Duration: 48 minutes

"Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah as we commence the 12th and last month of not only the current biblical year but also of a critical period of time right before the end which launches what we have been calling the 'penultimate judgment'. But I don't want to talk about that today - it's happening, almost everybody can see it's happening now, and it must eventually come to an end once it has burned itself out and the guilty have been judged and taken out of the way. Nor am I going to talk about physical things such as the suffering this current winter has brought around the world, or that next winter will be considerably worse as the world runs out of everything that ought to have been produced this year, but wasn't, because of premediated war, fake crises, and the outright satanic, malignant hatred of life and liberty by the controlling few..."

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