Titus and Philemon

1 year ago

This lesson combines two short letters from Paul.

The letter to Titus was written around 63 AD after Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. These are specific instructions on how Titus should set up the community of believers on the island of Crete, the converts Paul had made earlier.

The letter to Philemon was written around 59–61 AD during the time of Paul's first imprisonment in Rome. Philemon was the master of the slave Onesimus. By Roman law, Paul could have had the runaway slave put to death. Instead, he leads him to Christ and then sends him back to his master.

(Apologies for displaying Philippians instead of Philemon for the 2nd part of the lesson.)

commentary- http://bible.fether.net/index.php?book=17&pager=co
commentary- http://bible.fether.net/index.php?book=18&pager=co

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