MR. NON-PC - There's No Benefit To Being Politically Correct

2 years ago

Do I really need to even explain this one? Hahaha!

It's funny how the majority of people living in the U.S right now are in fact "politically correct" and why...what are they actually getting out of it??

Legendary actor Charlton Heston even once stated "Political Correctness" is nothing more than tyranny with manners. But even ol' Charlton used to be a LibTurd before he stopped eating that "PC-POOP" wisened up and became NON-PC!

The main use of "political correctness" is to merely silence the opposing political or cultural opposition.

From political correctness has spawned: woketopia, SJW culture, a victim mentality, spiritual bankruptcy and every other horrible thing we experience today.

The key to winning is to be NON-PC and join the NON-PC Revolution....I need you!!!

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