9/11 Was A False Flag Deep State Attack - Watch The Smoking Gun Video- Alex Jones

1 year ago

Source: The Alex Jones Show

Alex says it takes days to weeks to do a controlled demolition. It takes weeks to months to do something like this, bringing a skyscraper straight down into its basement as there are other buildings and property right beside it. But of course they took 15 minutes to decide to bring it down.

WTC#7 has always been the SMOKING GUN evidence. Many believe the plane that got shot down was meant to hit WTC#7 as it was all wired with explosives in advance.

It was right after 9/11 that I found Alex Jones show and watched his show religiously up to 2018 as he was the only guy spending all day focusing on the globalists (The PUPPET MASTERS) and I cancelled by cable subscription in 2002 once I saw the media cover-up (Or black-out of important information).

Back then I had co-workers or various people who were so closed minded they would get mad at me for bringing up FALSE FLAG ATTACKS like 9/11 and the short conversation I would have with them would be like this....
Me: Were you paying attention on the day of September 11th 2001?
Them: YES!!!
Me: So how many skyscrapers in Manhattan fell down nice and neatly into their basement on that fateful day?
Them: TWO!!!!
ME: Well obviously you were NOT paying attention because THREE skyscrapers conveniently fell into their basements on September 11th 2001. 3rd building (WTC#7) fell 8 hours later (Of course most people did NOT know this because there was a NEWS BLACKOUT on WTC#7 after the government OFFICIAL STORY came out a week or two later. The 9/11 COMMISSION spent a paragraph on WTC#7 in their report saying there were some fires on the 7th and 12th floor and basically glossed over the biggest smoking gun of 9/11 (No surprise there).

Israeli government/MOSSAD had their fingerprints all over this FALSE FLAG TERROR ATTACK and the 5 dancing Israelis (Who had a moving truck for their FAKE moving business called "URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS" with a big MURAL on the side of their moving van showing an airplane crashing into the WTC towers (They always like to tell you what they are doing believing people are too unconscious to notice it). The person who originally called in the moving van with the suspicious dancing Israelis described the truck they were driving and said "On one side of the truck shows a plane crashing into NYC and exploding".

These MOSSAD agents or Israeli spies were later released by the US authorities and they went back to Israel where they were on a talk show and when asked why they were there at the WTC buildings back on September 11th 2001 they said "We were only their to "DOCUMENT" the event" basically admitting foreknowledge of this horrible attack.

Wikispooks did a decent write up on 9/11 here

And I do agree with Alex that many other intelligence agencies played parts in it as it has been a New World Order for a long time and everything is carried out from the top.

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