CHILD SERVICES (DCF) Community ALERT *Emergency meeting

2 years ago

Have YOU had enough? When is enough ENOUGH? A little upset, I had an impromptu show with our lawful defense team to discuss EXPOSING and REMOVING the Vermont Department of Children and Families who have TAKEN another child from good Vermonters. Links to human trafficking, embezzlement, fraud, obstruction, criminal conspiracy; lets look at the child "incarceration rate" or how many CHILDREN go missing or DIE in "state custody"? WE have more than enough to look, start investigations and stop this horrible abuse again, BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. 800,000 missing children in the United States alone EVERY year!! Per capita, VT ties at #4 in the missing people department too - but no one knows it??? We can link law enforcement, the media, judicial and our "for profit" prison system to this mess also. If anyone wants to get behind something, you should consider joining this monumental battle. Personally, I WILL NO LONGER ALLOW THIS.
Office of the Vermont Kevinor

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