The struggle of the Russian Liberation Army in WW2 was explained thus, according to themselves

1 year ago

The struggle of the Russian Liberation Army in WW2 was explained thus, according to themselves: "The Russian people are drawn by Bolshevism into a war for the alien interests of the Anglo-American capitalists... England has always sought to weaken & harm our homeland... Stalin, in the service of Anglo-American interests, saw a possibility of realizing his plans for a world state for which he tied Russia's fate to that of England. He plunged the Russian people into an incalculable disastrous war... an addition to the suffering of 25 years under Bolshevik rule... Bolshevism fenced off the Russian people... now Russian people are called upon to fight for the overthrow of the Bolshevik government... Stalin wants to assure us that he is fighting for his homeland, for the fatherland, for Russia. This is a vile and pathetic deception - his only wish is just to stay in power." (ROA General Vlasov, 1942). A cigarette case of the ROA Kalmyks states plainly, "Our call has always been this: Beat the Bolshevik Jews."

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