William Norris (of MLR) Wins an Election in New Mexico ~ Catholic Video Lecture

2 years ago

This lecture was recorded on 1/15/2023, The Second Lord’s Day after Epiphany.
Our Br. William George Norris was elected as a Member at Large in the Republican Party of Sierra County. The goal of MLR in politics is to expose the RINOs (Republicans in name only) and try to move the Republicans to the right, as everything is shifting to the left. Our goal is that the Republican party will eventually embrace all of the natural law principles, which all men can know by the law in their heart that God put there; such as by condemning not only homosexual so-called marriages but also homosexuality, transgenderism, drag queens, and all abortions, and work for law that abolish these sinful things. After all, it was not too long ago that all of these things were condemned and banned in the USA. If we fail in shifting the Republican Party to the right and eventually get banned from it or are prevented from having any active participation in it, we will form the Natural Law Party. Men of all religions can belong to it as long as they consent to obey, uphold, and defend the natural law. Will Norris ran on these principles as enunciated in the speech before he was elected. His election proves that there are still a good amount of true social conservatives in red states and red counties whose voice is not being heard by the RINOs and other weak Republicans. These voices are yearning for true justice according to the natural law and not according the sinful laws of the lefty liberals. Even if Republicans do not have a chance of winning, such as in Blue States or Counties, they must still speak the full truth regarding natural law principles as this is how men will learn about the natural laws that they have been hiding in their hearts. If Republicans do not speak up, then their silence places them with the left liberals and that is the only voice men will hear. If Republicans stick to their guns on natural law principles, then the Catholic God will help them and the people will slowly begin to convert away from lefty liberalism to true social conservative values. Hence MLR appeals to all socially conservative minded men, such as conservative Protestants like Caleb Cooper and Deputy Glenn Hamilton. And MLR votes for and favors truly conservative Protestants rather than nominal and apostate Catholics like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice, for they shall have their fill” (Mt. 5:6). Ultimately, full and complete justice can only exist in a Catholic State. One day MLR will control New Mexico or at least a good portion of it. And, no doubt, we will need the power and miracles of the one true God, the Catholic God, to succeed. We will not force people to be Catholic but only that they keep the natural law.
Other topics in the lecture include the following:
* Oaths a Catholic can and cannot take;
* Most of the Founding Fathers of the USA were Freemasons or at least Humanists and thus were not even nominal Christians;
* Some of our worst enemies are sinful nationalists who place their nations over God and thus are idolaters.

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