King's Message from True Father's Palace in Japan

2 years ago

Hyung Jin Nim’s and Yeonah Nim’s arrival at Incheon airport, with a beautiful welcome by the Korean Sanctuary community. In his spoken message he sent greetings from the Fatherland where the 2nd coming of Christ took place during our lifetimes. True Father’s anointing of his kingship line was decided by him, not Hyung Jin Nim, who prophesied that among the thousands of religions in the world there would be a judgment of one specific religious group whose leader had rebelled against her husband’s will after his passing. This judgment took place last summer, with the tragic assassination of Prime Minster Abe, 10 years after Father’s passing in 2012.
Hung Jin Nim expressed his appreciation for many prayers, "which are a great comfort to us. Despite the challenges we face, God’s Kingdom is coming. As more come back to True Father’s authority, those who are losing power may become vengeful but we know that God causes confusion in the camps of the enemy. We are grateful that God is leading the way. True Father in heaven is initiating many miracles for all to come back, including Christians who never knew him."
"Our brothers and sisters are bearing fruit with the return of lost sheep, including folks from all denominations who are learning the Principle, including the Fall and the realization that Jesus did not come to die, since his original message was the establishment of the Kingdom of God intended from the beginning of creation. Stay strong! We will keep you updated each week."
So, as you know People are realizing the reality of the whore of Babylon and the Fall, the cosmic-level Fall of mother Han (Rev. Moon's ex-wife). And now seeing the tremendous failure of all her prophecies which have obviously proved to be false.

True Father Sun Myung Moon established his own line of royalty and crowned us with his own hand; we had no choice in this. The father decided his line of kingship and his figures of Cain and Abel. And all the prophecies that we have been uttering – not to be bullying or anything – have come true: world-wide judgment, world-wide economic crisis, even world-wide conflicts and wars that are exploding.

And not only that, but at the same time we also anticipated that on a microcosmic level there would be a particular judgment; that out of all the hundreds of millions of religious organizations around the world, there would be a particular judgment on the harlot of Babylon of the Family Federation for World Peace organization, briefly known as the Fraudulent Family1 because they perpetuate the fraud.

1. (They stole from Father Sun Myung Moon's designated successor, all the positions and material things that his father left him).

And of course, the judgment is here. The Family Federation's main source of money is from Japan, and it was totally blown up by True Father's miraculous work from Heaven, and this was founded on the basis of the Three Kingships of True Father.

True Father dropped the hammer on them. A tragic event but nevertheless God will use tragic events to further his Providence.

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