The Founders Quest First Episode

1 year ago

What's really going on? follow along with us.
Founders Quest links
Please listen to these videos when you have time. They explain a lot of the background to what we will be discussing in upcoming episodes.

Link 1: Bill Federer: For a good understanding on socialism and its adoption through the ages
Link 2: Yuri Bezmenov: For a good understanding on how Communist Russia operated, and the structure of what we see behind the scenes.
Books (online and for purchase):
Link 3: Rules for Radicals (You will see the word “radicals” and “agitators” etc. in many of the NGO websites we will discuss.)
Link 3 a: The Federalist Papers: Relates to and explains our Federalist system
Full Text of The Federalist Papers - Federalist Papers: Primary Documents in American History - Research Guides at Library of Congress (
Link 3 b: The Anti Federalist Papers: Many founders didn’t want a Federal Government; preferring to maintain local control.
The Anti Federalist Papers: Patrick Henry: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive
Link 4: EO Tackling the Climate Crisis at home and abroad.
Link 4a: Presidential Memorandum -- Climate Change and National Security
Link 5: Climate Task Force with links to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Link 6 Address climate Crisis through infrastructure with Boris Johnson
Link 7: Building a better America
Link 8: Guidebook on the BIL
Link 9: EPA BIL
Link 10 Inflation Reduction Act Clean Energy for All
Link 11 Inflation Reduction Act Guidebook
Link 12+ Look at “around the world” climate emergency talks
US-ASEAN Strategic partnership; specifically points 8 and 9 and the “advancing” section
G20 Bali Leaders Declaration Points 16-20
2030 Agenda
Obama support for the agenda
Paris Agreement
Local Application: LA SDGs

How does one “Eat the Sandwich”?
Via learning about what is going on behind what we are shown.
How do people, organizations and programs “plug in” to each other? Lets take an example of a person. This will be brief, but begin by going to this website:
National Climate Task Force - The White House
Scroll down to the pictures. You will see John Podesta.
Open a new tab on your browser
Type in: Center for American Progress
In the search feature type in John Podesta. You will see:
“John Podesta is the founder of the Center for American Progress. He currently serves as the senior adviser to the president for clean energy innovation and implementation. Podesta served as counselor to President Barack Obama, where he was responsible for coordinating the administration’s climate policy and initiatives. In 2008, he served as co-chair of President Obama’s transition team. He was a member of the U.N. Secretary General’s High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Podesta previously served as White House chief of staff to President William J. Clinton. He chaired Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president in 2016.”
John Podesta “plugs in” to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the UN, the Climate etc. We see an additional plug in on this search: “the Post-2015 Development Agenda”. Apply the 5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why).
Taking the climate into account (Because John Podesta is on the climate task force) lets search for climate on the CAP website. Take the example of the Director of International Climate Policy. Anne Christianson. Her bio states:
“Anne Christianson is the director of International Climate Policy at American Progress. She has a decade of environmental conservation and climate experience in the U.S. Congress, academia, and nongovernmental organization sector. She holds a master’s degree in biodiversity conservation from the University of Oxford and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, where her research focused on climate equity and adaptation.”
John Podesta founded CAP, but here is a woman who worked at the Congress (apply 5 Ws here) attempting to push climate policy from CAP.
This is a plug in, and it branches into many different areas

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