Do You Listen and Obey?

1 year ago

The Bible says you will be held accountable for your actions. Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree and we are still living with the repercussions of their rebellion. Terah, the father of Abraham, became stagnant and didn’t follow through with God’s calling to leave Ur and go to Canaan. King Saul was chosen to be Israel’s first king but he didn’t follow God’s instructions and lost the subsequent blessings to David.

The flip side is that we can be born again because of Jesus’ obedience. God has a unique plan for your life, the secret is to hear His voice and obey it. When you have been given a task, see that it reaches completion, and you will have great rewards in heaven.
Sermon Outline:

Do You Listen and Obey?
Charles Thorell

RLJ-1256 -- SEPTEMBER 19, 2010

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