Announcing "TRUE GOOD NEWS!"

1 year ago

We heard you. Our research has shown that people want short. to the point, 5 to 8 minute, news-like shows that they can watch and digest quickly. They also want to videos that talk about current issues and how those issues relate to them. There are plenty of news shows that fill that gap for politics, finance, health and wellness, to name a few, but hardly any that do that for how these issues affect the spiritual part of our lives.

We are excited to announce the newest show to our channel, ENCOURAGING PEOPLE: TRUE GOOD NEWS. An uplifting and encouraging show that will take current topics in our world, examine them, and show how they affect that spiritual part of us, and leaving us not in anxiety or fear, but with the true good news that God is in control, has a plan for this and has our best interest at heart.

Healed! God’s Breakthrough Blueprint for Receiving and Releasing Miracles.

Please go to our website for more resources. Sign up for our newsletter and go to our store for encouraging books, videos and merchandise.


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