The Divine Union of Grandmother Moon & Grandfather Wolf || Alpha Centauri & their Collective Aided

2 years ago

A.U.R.A Regression Session 196
Join us in this fantastic collective activation as Gaia ascends into her organic timeline as the virus is removed throughout all time and space!!
Hear the Divine Union of Grandmother Moon & Grandfather Wolf after separation.

The rebirth of the Alpha Centauri race through Gaia and the Lyran Lions who are the organic golden divine blueprint keepers aid their brothers in bringing the Alpha Centauri star system back online and the Archon Virus removed.
Hear how the Native American's were hunted for their knowledge of their wolf lineage along with the trauma of the alpha Centauri race in the 3rd dimension and higher.

Huge third eye activation update also linked to the moon..

#moon #divineunion #alphacentauri #collectiveconsciousness #energyupdate

To book a session with Clare & Jeffrey follow the link they over session together or separately at :

Clare is an A.U.R.A, R.A.A.H & Quantum Galactic Akashic Practitioner to book a session with her follow the website link :

My social media links are:

Jeffrey is an A.U.R.A & R.A.A.H Reiki Practitioner to book a session with him follow the website link :

Clare & Jeffrey are not a licensed medical professional.

Healing and medicine are two separate disciplines. The modalities I use are the art of healing, not the practice of medicine.

For more information on Archons, reptilians, the ascension in general or to become an AURA or RAAH reiki practitioner check out the founder of AURA Rising Phoenix Aurora on her YouTube channel or visit

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