There Is A Cosmic Clash Coming

2 years ago

There Is A Cosmic Clash Coming

Kerry talks with David Zublick and Penny LA Shepard, on Dark Outpost, balloons, UFOs, train derailments, Covid and other bioweapons, Biden & Company being exposed and more!
In response to Kerry’s remark about not being able to remove the negatives.
We need the negatives in our lives, to exercise us, in our polar electric plasma universe, but we don’t need evil in the world.
Earth Is Crying Out Under The Load Sin – Evil
The Earth groans also in anticipation of the return of Christ.
The Earth is Groaning - Unknown sound phenomena occurring 2011
The entire universe is groaning under the weight of death, destruction,
Drought, earthquakes. famine, floods, Hurricanes, murder, rape, Tsunamis, Typhoons, and violent storms.
All because of the curse, because sin has taken up residence in the world.

Because the man of sin is in the world we have death in the world today. We are experiencing a death cult.
A Cosmic Conflict between God and Satan.

We Are At War and have been for at least a 12 millennia.

What is the war about?
I know, crazy huh.
You must be a jewel to God.
What President Trump has said. “They’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

Hate Is In The World
Which begets universal conflict in families and between peoples, decay, and disorder. The law of Thermal Dynamics is at work in our midst.
We all are groaning under the load slavery.
We all await the final redemption of the Christ Consciousness.
God tells us what is going to happen in the Bible, and through personal revelation.
Satan also tells us what he is going to do. Through the Tell-A-Lie-Vision.
I’ve come to the conclusion, because we live in a free will universe, Satan and the world must tell us his plans, gain our acquaintance, or our apathy, for the devils to receive absolution from any wrong doing.
So we as a species need to start listening. Not with our physical ears but with our spiritual ears. Tell them ‘no’ at any hint of aggression towards mankind.
Knowing these things, what kind of persons should we be?

If you had told the people of Palestine Ohio, we’re going to make movie about a railroad chemical spill in your community and if no one protests against it. It must be okay.
That is the attitude of the Canaanites, the Blue Bloods. Khazarian Mafia. “We told them what was going to happen. They sat there like stupid sheep and never even said a blah blah blah. It must be okay.
The recompense, the karma, the kickback, is on the sheep because they never said a word in protest.

Take for instance, if you show fear of something you also give your authorization, because you visualize the event as plausible. Fear is an acceptance of a forgone conclusion.
No Fear
Show No Fear
Steel Yourself
Sit Up Straight
Put A Stiffener In Your Back
Fear Is A Psychological Tactic!
They will show you an alien mother ships in the sky. Show no fear.
Several short videos of Project Blue Beam.
A simple explanation of Project Blue Beam.
Ralph Stanley
I’ll Not Be Afraid
Why did we, as a society, accept Zombies. Glorified them, accepted them as a natural consequence of an unnatural event.
The whores and horrors coming out of Atlanta, Disney and Hollywood are telling our dystopian future as we gawk at it as entertainment.
Why, what are we looking at?
We are looking at our societal destruction. Your family’s, your community’s, your world’s destruction. All for the sake of a few moments of distraction.
Everything is going towards destruction and disorder.
Universal death and destruction
Crash bang blow it all up, pools of blood silently surrounding a body.
Why is this all happening? Because there is evil in the world. It’s not your fault, but it is (y)our duty to drop kick it off the planet.

Do you remember a few weeks ago, the railroads said they were going go on strike unless? Work stoppages?
We know the Biden Administration lost and could not avert these accidents.
Or the Biden Administration said. “Do what thou wilt.” A quote of Alister Crowley the Satanist.
Well, we know the Rockefeller’s won!

Ohio residents are living in the plot of a movie they helped make.
Locals Worked As Extras
White Noise
The movie.

I hope you’re comprehending the tightening of the Boa Constrictor. Our freedoms were being stolen long before 2002, before the Patriot Act. Which was not a Patriotic Act but it was a big money grab in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We must be more vocal about what we want in our communities.

Do you want the truth and have the wisdom to know truth when you hear it.
You will know the truth, not when your top three alternate media sites all agree.
But because there is an inward sounding board that either resonates with the truth or it doesn’t. .
Here is one great big key to building a inward sounding board.
Study the book of Proverbs to bring balance into your life.
The book of the Proverbs is a self teaching book. The verses are set in contrasts.
In other words the Proverb may say, as an example something like. Do this and live. Do that and your life will end in poverty.

Proverbs 1
Proverbs has 31 chapters of wisdom, you may use everyday.

We Are At War
Here Is A War Footing
I’m Going To Show There Are
There are two kinds of guilt.
Bear with me and see if I’m right.
The first kind of guilt comes from the accuser of the brethren. Satan!
Revelation 12:10
Oh, he knows how to pile on the guilt.
“You ain’t never get out from this one. You could even spend some jail time over this one.”
“You’ve pulled off some real stunts in your life. Evil Knievel has got nothing on you.”
Oh he doesn’t give up.
“This is the trick that is going to bury you. Look, you haven’t got enough money to buy your way out of this one.”
I don’t know if the Devil in your head has ever accused and taunted you so grievously, as he has me?
All lies. He makes a mole hill into mountain and purposes to show you how you’re going to be under an avalanche of deep shite before the Sun ever shines again.

What’s the matter with above scenario. There’s no hope!! No way out! There is no way out!
There’s no hand up, the accuser is just trampling you down.

God The Holy Spirit
When God’s Holy Spirit comes to talk to us about something we said or did, there’s a way out. A hand up! A solution, a way to be absolved, an honorable way THROUGH the circumstances.

When you are cleansed by the Christ Consciousness; you are cleansed of the beast DNA. Whatever may be in your family tree that connects you to Cain is cleansed away.
For you see, many of us were a hybrid of Adam and some of us had the razing of Cain in us.

When you meet Yahshua the Christ Consciousness YOU ARE MADE BRAND NEW and pure. As pure as the freshly minted Adam in the Garden. You are now a new Child of God.
With all the rights and privileges pertaining to your new status As A Child of God.
Ask Yahshua the Christ Consciousness to meet with you.
And when you meet with Him, you will know. No one will need to convince you of anything.

I Will Follow You

You are now walking where the saints of old have traveled. Over some of the same hurtles, blocks and dead ends they have met with and came out on the other side a shinning trophy of the Grace and the Love of God.

Hylo Brown
Where The Soul Never Dies

The old Christians have a heart as tender as a kitten when you are wounded by ‘the world’ when someone harms one of theirs, or does them wrong.They are there to build them back up until they can get back on their feet.
See the old church has given up its right to be the social network in the community. In the 1930s, when our grandparents began to pay taxes so the government was the social safety net.
If people know you’re trying.
You are trying; aren’t you?
As long as you’re trying they will be patient with you.
Why? Because they know the path is difficult. They too have stumbled more than once.
I find the old Christians to be the most patient. They have nothing to prove. They want nothing more of material gain. They don’t desire more power than to have more power in service to others.
They would no more lord over you than they would want someone to make a slave of them.
Ralph Stanley
I’ll Fly Away

Entreat God that in every land and in every tongue, in every religion and code that men would desire peace
That God would heal the nations.
Men with anger would be quelled.
Place a healing balm upon the crown of every man, woman and child.
Let God be glorified in our midst.
Let righteousness be our standard.
Let godliness and honest dealings be the norm.

Please encourage your friends and family to follow this channel too.

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God Moves In A Mysterious Way
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform:
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never-failing skill,
He treasures up His bright designs,
And works His sovereign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour:
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.
Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own Interpreter,
And He will make it plain.

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