In Search of the Virus: Gain for Science or Loss for Storytelling?

2 years ago

Why Does Former Army Top Spy Believe No Further Investigation Is Required to Determine Origins of a Novel Coronavirus?

[FOB FREEDOM, February 19, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, according to the CDC, “[t]he infectious dose of SARS-CoV-2 needed to transmit infection has not been established”, but, as the President had reminded the American people on the first anniversary of the pandemic, with their own eyes they had seen “the Perseverance rover land on Mars”, described as “[s]tunning images of our dreams that are now a reality”, and “[a]nother example of the extraordinary American ingenuity, commitment, and belief in science and one another.”

At least according to the Washington Post, which prides itself in writing “the first rough draft of history”, in May 2022, “Jacob Hopkins, 24, tried hard not to get Covid-19 in the months leading up to March 2021, when, if he succeeded, he could be part of a unique experiment in which he was deliberately infected with the virus”, and, “[a]lmost a year earlier, he had put his name on a list of volunteers.” As they had reported, “[m]onths went by until, on Dec. 23, he finally heard back from someone associated with the experiment”, and “[h]e ended up being the very first volunteer given the infection — patient 1.”

The Washington Post says, “This kind of experiment is called a ‘challenge’ trial”, and “[t]hanks to Hopkins and the other volunteers, researchers learned some fascinating details about viral loads, symptoms and incubation times”, explaining further:

“Challenge trials give scientists a uniquely controlled data set, helping them gauge things like incubation time, accuracy of tests and long-term consequences of infection. They may reveal something about why some people get sick and others don’t. It’s the kind of controlled, experimental data that’s been so badly lacking in a pandemic that’s been ruled by educated guesses announced with inappropriate certainty.”

According to the Washington Post, which promotes the mantra that “democracy dies in darkness, “‘We started with the lowest dose we can reliably produce,’ said Christopher Chiu, a researcher at Imperial College London, who headed the experiment”, and “[i]f nobody got infected they’d step up the dose, slightly, he said, but on the first try, they got slightly past 50% — infecting 18 of 34 volunteers.”

According to the publication that was reported to have exposed the Watergate scandal, “Chiu said they are only beginning to learn from the data they’ve accumulated”, and “[t]wo of the 18 infected had no symptoms at all, and the rest had mild or moderate symptoms — mostly sore throats and runny noses”, while the results were published in Nature in on March 31, 2022, but is it incredible to believe that it was not until March 2021, when the safe and effective vaccines were being made available to a broader part of the population, under the American Rescue Plan before a challenge study was even attempted, or the “How Many Licks Does It Take to Get to the Center of a Tootsie Roll Pop Test” developed in Koch’s Postulates in 1870, and with modern technology would not they be able to determine the infectious dose through E6 Vero cells?

According to Faye Flamm, Washington Post reporter:

“One of the first big surprises was how short the incubation period was, Chiu told me. It was only two days before the volunteers who got infected tested positive on PCR tests and not much longer to register a positive on rapid tests. Those who got symptoms noticed them between two and four days after exposure.

Another surprise was that the amount of virus people produced didn’t reflect the severity of their symptoms — those who produced a lot of virus sometimes had very mild or no symptoms and those who felt sicker sometimes produced less.

Since the date of exposure was known, the data were also useful for examining testing efficacy. While rapid tests didn’t always pick up the infection as early as the more sensitive PCR test, Chiu said it appeared to pick up most infections around the time that would likely coincide with peak transmissibility.”

Sticking to the “facts”, Flamm, who has written for Science Magazine, and who apparently “wrote two weekly columns for The Philadelphia Inquirer, including one on sex and one on evolution”, according to Wikipedia, and obviously impeccable credentials for a novel coronavirus that has baffled the scientists:

“Hopkins, who works for the charity group Citizens’ Advice, said he was well aware of the risk of long Covid, but thinks it was outweighed by the benefit of being part of the fight against the pandemic. He feels that the researchers fully informed him of the risks of infection and what would be involved in the experiment. He told me he is a risk-taker by nature, and recently went skydiving in Dubai. ‘I love adrenaline,’ he said. And he’s deeply interested in medical research and has donated stem cells to people with blood cancers.”

And, yet, daredevil Hopkins may be a bit disappointed, because, according to the CDC, “[t]he infectious dose of SARS-CoV-2 needed to transmit infection has not been established”, prerequisite knowledge to determine the proper correlates of protection to develop an effective vaccine, or maybe Hopkins is such a risk-taker, he even blew off the Joe Lapalca article in NPR, when he had claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci had “buried” the PowerPoint slide on correlates of protection at the White House briefing on the same day that the FDA had rushed to approve the Pfizer product that Joseph Fraiman, et al., in a damning peer-reviewed study had determined to present as high as a 36% risk for serious adverse events, which, at least at Alfred Street Baptist Church, apparently “glorifies God”, because if you are not vaccinated, and present a proper, legal form of identification, you are not permitted to attend in-person worship services, and there are no exceptions; so, apparently, if Jesus decides to start turning over tables, He had better be vaccinated, or else, taking the line from the old Negro spiritual, “we didn’t know who you was” to a whole new level.

WGTS pop test: “Whosoeover will let him come.” Bible or not Bible?

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

For more on this topic, please call Major Mike Webb for Virginia at (802) HOT-RLTW, or email at

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