Turn Firewood into Lumber - Save Money Using Your Band Saw to make Log splits into Lumber

2 years ago

In this video watch as Chuck makes dimensional lumber from a split piece of scrap firewood using a joiner, band saw, and planer. It’s like milling with a mini mill! This piece of firewood caught his eye because of the wonderful grain pattern. This is a wonderful way to save money on wood, and it’s practically free. No pricey bandsaws, no buying logs, no stickering and stacking slabs, and no waiting for wood to dry for use in your shop. You could use the same principles shown with small tree limbs.

Please comment if you’ve ever done this or are going to try, and subscribe to the channel for more on firewood, sawmilling, and woodworking.

Thank you so much for your support!
My wife and I are full time homesteaders in the Appalachian Mountains of south-central Pennsylvania. The Make Some Dust channel is dedicated to more details on the sawmill, firewood, and wood shop operations at our homestead. Thank you so much for joining the channel. I hope to bring some of what I’ve learned over the years to the community. I am hoping to learn some new skills, too. Life is a journey. Here’s to the future! -Chuck

Our website is: https://www.makesomedust.com
(This link might be linking to our homestead’s homepage as we work on the Make Some Dust site. Please be patient. My wife and I are the only ones running the channel).

Our social media links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Make_Some_Dust

Other information:
Make Some Dust
16477 Sharman Lane
James Creek, PA 16657

#makesomedust #woodworking #bandsaw #handplane #handplaning #joiner #wood #firewood #woodshop #diy

Disclaimer: Make Some Dust videos are for entertainment purposes only. When using any tools, machinery, finishes, and fluids always read and understand the safety and manufacturers guidelines.

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