Learn How To Tie THE UNI KNOT The BEST Knot for Fishing. [Quick & Easy] STOP LOSING FISH!!

2 years ago

The Uni knot is great for monofilament and fluorocarbon fishing line, but is one of the best fishing knots for braided line! The uni knot is so versatile, it can work for bass, trout, and big game fishing!

Of all the fishing knots out there, the Uni Knot is known as the most useful of them all. The Uni Knot is so useful because it can be tied directly to a hook or used for a line to line knot (the double uni knot).

The Uni Knot can be used for the following:
1. Line to hook
2. Line to lure
3. Mono/Fluoro to Braid
4. Mono/Fluoro to Mono/Fluoro
5. Braid to Braid

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