seven elevens still exist yawl...there is good news

2 years ago

not selling out with this tripod (i hope)
RIP gold rush, RIP exit/in
thelonious (car) is so mad right now
i wish it took society 90 seconds to accept most things
the parthenon is over there at centennial park
my irresponsibility makes more sense
they redeemed themselves by turning right there
not mad but annoyed, get it right
if someone is driving slow they are usually turning or lost
no short term memory, due to pot not technology
the energy was good
did they leave out the t on purpose, if they did that's brilliant
God is love but sodomy still ain't good
schizo spectrum
i usually just run the red lights
anything illegal is probably worth doing
got distracted by the don't walk sign
jay running is different
it's all weird isn't it
my church most definitely seems like a cult
ooooh walgreens...that really cracked me up for some reason
irish you w re here...was that intentional, too
i'd like to think that they're more clever
cute little billboard right there

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