Saint Hubert's Rosary

2 years ago

Saint Hubert is the patron saint of hunters, he lived from (c. 656–727 A.D.) he was a married man and avid hunter and a lover of all worldly pleasures, until one good friday while hunting a stag he received a vision of a crucifix between the stags antlers and heard the voice of Christ calling for him to renounce his sinful ways. After the death of his wife and having vowed to change his ways Hubert became a priest, and eventually was ordained as bishop. He is known for performing many miracles and converting hundreds of people to Christianity.

This rosary was created using premium quality vintage replica bronze medals, copper wire. The beads are 8 and 10mm stone beads making this a larger sized rosary.

This rosary was wire wrapped by hand, with each bead individually wrapped to the other with 20 gauge copper wire. Wire wrapped rosaries, sometimes called unbreakable rosaries, will never break under normal use and will last a lifetime!

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