Do You Understand the Words Coming Out of My Mouth? - Feb 18, 2023

2 years ago

How to Send an ePub to a Kindle

Pretty much the way he said it, but under "Preferences", not "Devices".

At least, that's the way MY account's set up...

Login to Amazon.

Go to Account & Lists dropdown.

Select Content & Devices.

Hit Preferences.
(Content | Devices | Preferences | Privacy Settings)

Scroll down to "Personal Document Settings".

"You can e-mail personal documents to the following Kindle(s) using the e-mail addresses shown..."

And the email address should be somewhere around here.

AND you're going to be sent a confirmation email from Amazon to verify your request.

And then you wait. - Maybe just a few seconds... unless you have an old clunker like mine; in which case, you may be waiting around for 30 minutes.

Well, maybe it's not a whole THIRTY minutes.

I just end up doing something else, so I really have no idea how long it takes.

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