Ohio DHS EPA IT Employee Kicked Out of Open Public Meeting to Prevent Truth From Being Revealed

2 years ago

Ohio DHS EPA IT Employee kicked out of open public meeting with ODPS/ DHS to prevent truth from being revealed.

This is only the beginning of what is to come due to Ohio Government leaders neglect keeping our infrastructure systems secure when DHS Government IT employee speaks up and get terminated to silence reporting and documenting vulnerabilities in infrastructure, systems and missing Public Records, emails, phone logs, photo and video evidence, etc... in violations of Ohio Sunshine Laws and FBI CJIS CISA Laws.

Is this foreshadow of Ohio waters turning bitter, it is third largest river in US as Ohio river flows through or along the borders of six states, and its drainage basin includes parts of 14 states.

Ohio is Heart of it All
Pennsylvania is Keystone State

Revelation 8:11
"A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter."

PUCO Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Case 645541
FAA Case: FHIS-0022088
Filed by DHS Govt IT Sys Admin works for Govt Agency less than 2 miles from CMH Airport denied FISA of completed investigation reports of PUCO/ FAA Unethical Findings case he filed. What is PUCO/ FAA hiding from Public not releasing PUCO/ FAA Investigation report and cyber security incidents?

Government IT Systems Administrator for Law Enforcement, DPS, BMV, SHP, DHS of 12 years reported numerous cyber issues to State Officials starting in 2019 along with numerous missing election data, emails, videos and public records even prior 2020 Elections and was told remain silent and not document cyber issues as it will be public records. He was terminated for his honesty.

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