IHS Hegelian Dialectic: "Ignite the Right"

1 year ago

Igniting the "right" through Rome's Hegelian dialect by the Jesuits and their coadjutors will end up creating new religious laws and upheaval for pushing the "Jews" back to Israel for the end times.


Related: Farnese and Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre

Jesuit Roman Roots of the Global Climate Emergency Hoax

IHS Jesuit Farnese Quebec - across the Ottawa river from the capital of Canada, Ottawa.
IHS Jesuit Farnese Maryland - across the Potomac river from the capital of United States, Washington D.C.

Vatican Agent - Kamala Harris (JESUIT University of San Francisco)

Thieves and Robbers - Illegitimate (Isaiah 14:13-17 KJV)


E-Cults + Nationalism + Catholic Fascism = Far-Right
A new generational wave of Catholics/Jesuits controlling the culture Wars.

Acts6:9-13 KJV
"Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen"
"...Then they SUBORNED men,"
(suborned = bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury.)


*"Make America Great Again" is deceit for "Make America Catholic" which means it becomes a third world country like all of Rome's controlled Latin kingdoms.

(Romans 16:18 KJV: For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.


French Presidential Election 2022


Justin and Pierre Trudeau (Jesuit educated)
Macron (Jesuit educated)
Mario Draghi (Jesuit educated)
Newson (Jesuit educated)
Cuomo (Jesuit educated)
Trump (Jesuit educated)
Biden (Catholic)
Hunter Biden (Jesuit educated)
Putin (Orthodox Catholic)
Robert Kennedy Jr (Jesuit educated)
Robert Redfield (CDC Director) (Jesuit educated)
Fauci (Jesuit educated)
Bill Gates (Catholic)
Jeff Bezos (Montessori educated / Wife Catholic)
Boris Johnson (Catholic)
Jason Kenney (Jesuit educated)
Jim Flaherty (Jesuit educated)
Brian Mulroney (St. Francis Xavier University)
WE Charity Kielburger (Jesuit educated)
Warren Kinsella (Jesuit coadjutor/Jesuit father)
Alexandra Cortez (Jesuit educated)
Rupert Murdoch (NewsCorp) (Knight of Malta)
Obama (Catholic)
John Kery (Jesuit educated / Boston College)
EU Commission (Catholic/Freemason)
Klaus Schwab (Catholic)
CIA Director(s) (Jesuit educated)
Stephen Colbert (Jesuit educated)
Al Roker (Jesuit educated)
Savannah Guthrie (Jesuit educated)
Maria Shriver (Jesuit educated)
Lebron James (Catholic)
Micheal Jordan (son(s) Jesuit educated)
Tom Brady (Catholic - kissed Popes ring)
Lewis Hamilton (Catholic)
Bradley Cooper (Jesuit educated)
Denzil Washington (Jesuit educated)
Jack Dorsey (Twitter) (Catholic / Uncle Priest)
Noubar Afeyan (Moderna mRNA founder) (Jesuit educated)
Jesse Smollette - (Hate crime hoaxer) (Catholic)
Ryan Reynolds (Catholic)
Tim Russert (Jesuit educated)

US Justices Supreme Court
John G. Roberts, Jr (La Lumiere School, affluent Catholic boarding school)
Clarence Thomas (Jesuit educated / Catholic)
Amy Coney Barrett (Family is devoutly Catholic)
Neil Gorsuch (Jesuit Georgetown educated)
Sonia Sotomayor (Sotomayor was raised a Catholic)
Brett Kavanaugh (Jesuit Georgetown, two years ahead of Neil Gorsuch)
Samuel Alito (Catholic)

Canada Supreme Court Justices
Richard Wagner (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf Jesuit)
Suzanne Côté (Jesuit University Laval)
3 others (Jesuit McGill University)

John Pedesta (Jesuit educated)
Tony Podesta (Jesuit educated - Pizzagate)
Daniel Tarullo (Jesuit educated - Board of Governors United States Federal Reserve Board)
George Soros (Knight of Malta)
Fidel Castro (Jesuit educated)
Pol Pot (Jesuit educated)
Clinton (Jesuit educated)
Bush Sr & Jr (Catholic)
Royal Family (Knight of Malta and Knights of the Equestrian Order)
China Emperor (Knights of the Golden Fleece)

Hitler (Maria his grandmother was a Catholic; what is known about her is based on church and other public records. His paternal grandfather was baptized as a Roman Catholic. His father Alois Hitler was baptized Catholic. His mother, Klara Hitler was a devout Roman Catholic and attended church regularly with her children.)
Herman Goering (Knight of Malta - seen wearing the orders medal around his neck)
Himmler (Born into a conservative middle-class Roman Catholic family)
Goebbels (Both parents were Roman Catholics, Heidelberg University (Jesuit))
Franz von Papen (Noble Catholic family in Werl, Westphalia).
Reinhard Heydrich (His father was Protestant and his mother was Roman Catholic.)
All Roads lead to Rome.

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