Moon and The Sacred Feminine Energy and 13 Lucky Number 13;20 Hz of Goddess

2 years ago

The moon represents the feminine energy, just as the sun represents the masculine. In ancient times, when the magic was still alive in the hearts of people, these celestial bodies were more than just that, they carried certain qualities and energies. The patriarchal society turned their back on the feminine energy, demonized it and turned the number 13 into an unlucky number full of superstitions, when it actually represents the number of the Goddess.

By incorporating a 13 Moon Calendar into our life, we can flow back into the organic and natural rhythms of time incorporated into the 13:20 frequency of the Universe. Especially as women, aligning with the lunar energy is vital. Women are attuned to the cycles of the moon, and only by aligning to our natural rhythms can we heal the sacred feminine energy and reconnect with the essence of who we are.

The symbol of the triple moon goddess is sacred. It is a symbol of the different stages of womanhood, and it represents the different life cycles of man. Whenever you see the triple moon goddess, it is a reminder of the cycles of life, growth, death, and rebirth.

Moon and the Sacred Feminine Energy invites us into the deepest mysteries of life, mysticism and rituals of Goddesses. It reminds us of the power of blood within us, that most sacred liquid that makes us alive. It reminds us of the power of the Great Mother, the power of the Triple Goddess who lives within us and in all that exists around us.

So living in flow with the moon and celebrating her with a new moon or full moon ritual is powerful for women. This is one of the best ways to embody Goddess feminine energy. Heal your relationship with your sacred cycle. Period blood was revered as a sacred, magical elixir of life.

A menstrual cup is a menstrual hygiene device which is inserted into the vagina during menstruation. Its purpose is to collect menstrual fluid (blood from the uterine lining mixed with other fluids). Menstrual cups are usually made of flexible medical grade silicone, latex, or a thermoplastic isomer. They are shaped like a bell with a stem or a ring.

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