
1 year ago

Circumcision: (aka) barbaric ritualized (viz., religious) child torture, bodily mutilation and sexual molestation of male children. A practice performed for the sake of eliciting favor from some mythical deity apparently addicted to blood, human sacrifice, torture and genocide.

Bad optics? Think again. All perfectly legal, still practiced (with minor modifications), still socially-acceptable in our woke/red-pilled/scientifically and technologically-advanced civilization of the 21st century.

Rhetorical question:
All self-proclaimed experts of law ethics and morality so very proud of your supreme knowledge of right and wrong, good and evil; for all you high and mighty priests, preachers, rabbis, judges, lawyers, politicians, medical ethicists, spiritual elitists and highly-esteemed academicians of theology, philosophy and/or social sciences; what, if any, other contemporary human behaviors would you consider more (let us say) morally bereft, more inhumane, more blatantly savage and barbaric, more psychologically terrorizing than this? I mean, besides tossing human babies head first into the sacrificial fires of Moloch, or cutting their hearts out on a stone altar and offering them to gods of corn and/or sun?

A rhetorical question.

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