True Scriptural 13 Moon Calendar Equinox Deception of World Religions Exposed !

1 year ago

The great end-time deception will parade under the banner of Christianity. The False Prophet will deceive the world into believing that God's true witnesses are the Beast and the False Prophet. So the Beast makes war against God's servants and kills them Revelation 11:7.

For those in the Northern Hemisphere, today marks the vernal, or spring equinox, while for those in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the time of the autumnal equinox . It marks the day when the sun passes over the celestial equator and the length of day and night is roughly equal, thus the word ‘equinox’, which means ‘equal night’ in Latin.

For thousands of years, the spring equinox has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth and abundance by many countries and cultures around the world. Megalithic people in Europe calculated the date of the spring equinox using circular monuments constructed of huge stones; Germanic tribes associated it with the fertility goddess Ostara; the Mayans gathered at the pyramid at Chichen Itza which was designed to produce a serpent shadow on the day of the equinox; and the Ancient Saxons held a feast day for their version of the fertility goddess, Eostre, on the full moon following the Vernal Equinox.

12 month disharmonic Gregorian calendar vs 13 moon harmonic calendar ?

The beginning date, July 26, corresponds to the heliacal rising of Sirius, making the 13 Moon 28-day cycle a solar/galactic calendar. The 13 Moon calendar is a perfect harmonious 13-month (moon) cycle of 28 days each. Its harmony is visible when we view it next to the Gregorian calendar. In the Gregorian calendar there is very little cyclic or periodic order. Months are uneven, the length of the month does not correlate with the seven-day week, and the days of the week and their numbers change every month.

With the 13 Moon calendar, everything is very even, orderly and harmonic so you can’t get lost in time. The Haab and Tun Uc calendars of the Mayans and the calendar of Thoth in ancient Egypt also began on the day July 26th. The Haab is eighteen 20-day vinal cycles, plus the 5-day uayeb. The Tun Uc is literally the count of seven – this is the 13 Moon 28-day cycle. The calendar of Thoth was also a 13 moon, 28-day cycle. These are all solar measures. The original Druid calendar was a 13 Moon 28-day cycle and the Andean (Incan) Pachacuti, in use for 5,000 years, is also 13 Moons of 28 days. Other cultures that use a 13 Moon 28-day calendar include Polynesians, Native Americans, Chinese and Essenes.

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