SIG 516 possible HK416 clone??? #buildit #sig516 #hk416

1 year ago

((Important info))

The gas port was expanded to .088"
gas valve low: .062"
gas valve medium: .075"
gas valve high: .088"
This gave the extraction of brass to the 3-4 o'clock position.

If you could have one dream firearm what would it be? For me I thought it would be the HK 416, but after looking into it I noticed that what I really wanted was a SIG 516 instead.

At the end of this video you can see this firearm in action
TARA Aerospace TM-9X Review and range time #tm9 #sig516 #aerospace

So the question is now... Whats your dream firearm?
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Band: Echo Effect

Album: Where angles learn to fly

Songs: Only in the movies, pushover.

Label: P.U.R.E. Pacific underground records and entertainment, Minneapolis, MN

Rights of use through Eric Huard Bass/Vocals

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