Godliness | Roles of the Trinity - RGW Teaching

2 years ago

Roles of the Trinity
Best Friend: God the Son = Counselor (Our Spouse)
Father: God the Father = Provider (Paternal; Our Source)
Caretaker: The Holy Ghost = Comforter (Maternal; Our Nurturer)

God the Son Your life partner; Joint-Heir, Companion,
Buddy, Bestie, Changes the "No Threat: Easily Subdued."
in your heart to "Danger: They Know Jesus!"
God the Father Your Provider; Problem Solver, Solution Maker,
Financier, Wealth Generator
The Holy Ghost Your Comforter; Protector, Shield,
Takes the "Kick-Me" sign off your back and replaces it with
"Temple of the Holy Ghost".

Created: February 18th of 2023

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