Everything With Ase (Season1Ep.3)

1 year ago

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice as I am not licensed under any legit authority. These are speculations about how your "Vibe" impacts different parts of your reality, including but not limited to relationships, mental health, substance abuse, career, challenges, law of attraction, timelines, and EVERYTHING in between.
I am a certified Reiki Healer, a student of the universe, a proud child of God, and a survivor of a savage 26 years of active drug abuse.
I at times will speculate about the nature of reality, and different perspectives about what God actually could be

Is it the traditionally accepted story? Is God potentially an extra-terrestrial? or is he/she/it/they a program designed to support us here in "Earth School"?

I speak about these things from an inquisitive and speculative position for the purpose of better understanding our reality and formulating a more efficient way to navigate the challenges presented in our own personalized curriculum.

On this episode I discuss an event where I had the confidence to tell a girl about the crush I've had on her for a couple months. I interpret some of the energy felt during, before, and after. I also analyze how the energy shifted from one day to the next speculating about if it was something going on with the relationship dynamic or was it simply the lens I was viewing it from.

I talk about my theory that the energy of narcissistic behavior can present based on where a person is at on the vibrational scale. I share a similar theory about how the energy of depression and anxiety can also fluctuate based on vibration.

If you are interested, have something to add to the conversation I would love to hear from you in the comments.

As always Peace, Love, and Prosperity...


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