No, iPhone production is NOT moving from China to India

2 years ago

No, iPhone production is NOT moving from China to India. Quality Control so bad in India that 50% casing made rejected 不,iPhone 生產不會從中國轉移到印度。印度的質量控制如此糟糕,以至於 50% 的產品被拒收

Some outlets, like the Wall St Journal, report as if Apple is packing its bags and changing address. Nope. Some diversification has been going on for years, but knowledgeable sources say that China is likely to stay the main place for iPhone production. There's a million positive things you can say about South Asians (the present writer is one) but it would wrong to say that that they are ready for mass production of fault-free high precision electronics in the way that China is. Here's an 80-second discussion of the topic 一些媒體,如《華爾街日報》,報導稱蘋果公司正在收拾行裝並改變地址。沒有。一些多元化已持續多年,但知情人士表示,中國很可能仍是 iPhone 生產的主要地點。關於南亞人,你可以說上百萬件積極的話(本文作者就是其中之一),但如果說他們已經準備好像中國那樣大規模生產無故障的高精度電子產品,那就錯了。這是對該主題的 80 秒討論

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