Tucker on Pronouns

2 years ago

Tucker Carlson does a pretty good take down of the whole declaring pronouns scam. He does miss one point. He misses that it is a control mechanism. It is the very basis of Orwellian "Newspeak". War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength are but a few examples of being convinced to ignore your own perceptions and simply accept what is told to you. For people to accept these extreme contradictions to reality, the mind needs to be conditioned. Start with something small. It might hurt these peoples feelings to be called the wrong sex despite the physical reality of their biology. Condition society to shun those that would not comply. People are social and want to avoid being ostracized. So they go along with the farce. It seems like a small thing to do but it has a great impact on the brain. It is like 2+2=5 from 1984. You break the barriers of reality down sufficiently to the point you can make someone believe something that is patently false. It chips away at the brains innate ability to perceive reality. These people can then be controlled far more easily. Taken to its furthest ends, the people will accept any instruction even if it is greatly against their own best interest.

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