⚠️#AI #ChatGPT Could Be A Bigger Threat To The U.S. And Taiwan Than Nukes!

2 years ago

📢📢Miles Guo’s Shocking Revelation On Feb. 15th, 2023:

⚠️#AI #ChatGPT Could Be A Bigger Threat To The U.S. And Taiwan Than Nukes!

💥The outputs of ChatGPT were artificially manipulated into scripts with no criticism directed at the CCP’s highest officials and their lackeys. In particular, it is set to weaken and vilify the Whistleblower Movement and the New Federal State of China.

💥ChatGPT's appearance would have been a big improvement. But when controlled by a devil, like the CCP, it becomes a serious threat to all mankind. It's like the mentally poisonous COVID vaccine that is forced on people.

💥2023/02/15 文贵先生直播:ChatGPT 对美国和台湾的威胁可能比核武器还严重!它的出现本来是一大进步,但被中共这样的魔鬼控制,会对全人类构成严重威胁,如同给人强行注射了精神毒疫苗!

#NanpengShen #Microsoft #BillGates #CCPthreat
#NFSC #takedownCCP

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