BC Bill 36 Bill36.ca Healthcare Disaster

1 year ago

Bill 36 is an outrageous attack on fundamental rights and freedoms. After 2 years of destroying peoples lives with no scientific evidence to support it you have now decided to enshrine in law your absolute power to tell us what “Science” is acceptable and which is not.

Removing the right of doctors to decide for their patients the appropriate treatment under penalty of losing their licence is hardly a progressive idea. It is in fact the thin edge of facism and authoritarianism.

You have done so much damage to the people of this province with your mandates and restrictions for over 2 years and to what result? Kids missed a year or more of school and were told they were biohazards, many people with small businesses saw their life savings and investment destroyed, older folks in care homes were denied visits from loved ones and even after death funerals were banned, playgrounds were closed, etc. etc.

And now we are experiencing the financial consequences of these insane policies. There were voices begging for an alternative reaction but not only did you ignore them you actively censored and threatened anyone who had a different view. And now you want to carry on as if nothing happened.

I can’t imagine doctors being happy with you deciding what they MUST say or do but after 2 years of complete surrender I guess you felt it was a good bet that they would be too scared to speak up.

You continue to run ads telling people the so called vaccines are safe and effective when all the evidence from around the world shows that to be patently false.

You actually are encouraging parents to give these experimental drugs to their small children with absolutely no idea what the long term effects may be. You ignore the data on excess deaths even when it appears to many experts to be a direct result of these inoculations.

Perhaps you might want to consider the fact that half of us in B.C. do not have a family doctor and have to wait for hours in overcrowded ER’s or non existent clinics for medical treatment, but that doesn’t even seem to be of any concern to you at all.

I can no longer in good conscience support you or your party and will not do so ever again. I am encouraging everyone of my peers to take the same action especially if this insane bill is passed.

Bill 36 is an outrageous attack on fundamental rights and freedoms I thought the NDP was always protective of but the WOKE has fatally infected you.


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