The Murder Of Jacqui Montgomery | Solved

1 year ago

The murder of Jacqueline Montgomery, a 15-year-old girl from Islington, North London, United Kingdom, occurred during the period of 1–2 June 1975. She was killed by Dennis McGrory, her aunt's 28-year-old estranged partner, who was described at his trial as being "wild with rage" when he sexually assaulted, stabbed and strangled Montgomery at her family home in Offord Road. Her body was discovered by her father in the early hours of 2 June on the floor of the living room of their house. McGrory was tried on circumstantial evidence in 1976, but cleared of murder. He faced trial again in 2022 under the rule of double jeopardy after swabs taken at the time of the murder were tested for his DNA and found to be a one-in-a-billion match. Following the second trial, McGrory was convicted of Montgomery's rape and murder at the Old Bailey in December 2022. His sentencing took place at Huntingdon Crown Court on 13 January 2023, at which presiding judge, Mr Justice Bryan, sentenced McGrory to life imprisonment with a minimum of 25 years. During the televised hearing, Bryan described McGrory's actions as "hideous crimes". With 47 years having passed since the 1975 murder, the case represents the longest lapse of time between a murder and a conviction in England and Wales as a result of double jeopardy.

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