2524. 🚨Stopping government overreach in the United States🚨

2 years ago

Did you know we had this HISTORIC decision July 4th 2022  E.P.A vs W. Virginia??  What was the outcome??? Remember all  the ABC agencies were CREATED under the US CORP. NONE are Federal or even LAWFUL.  The historic decision is they have NO authority to exist, or make laws or rules for We The People to abide by. SO what IF.....1st if they NO LONGER have any control, of course they have NO desire to be there, or at ANY disaster. With this ruling they have NO SAY.  Then what if...stay with me...this is ALL an operation, I mean we know from Pompeo saying we are IN a LIVE EXERCISE . What if this was part of the way to EXPOSE they are fake, fraud and to get people angry believing they worked for or represented them and they NEVER had that authority. Now the Supreme Court confirmed that...Now lets thing BIGGER. This sets the precedence to tear down ALL ABC agencies and NONE had the authority to exist. Think IRS, CDC,NIH,WHO, FAA, Destruction of the Administrative State...  Listen

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