A John Adams Letter Underscores the Need for a Cultural Christian Consensus

2 years ago

On February 13 of 2023, Satanists gathered on the 2nd floor of the Idaho capitol so they could say incantations to secure transgender rights. Despite the event being heavily promoted in the media, only 12 - 15 Satanists showed up. But outside on the capitol steps, as reported on LifeSite News, 170 Christians gathered to pray and sing praise to God. And on the 3rd floor above the Satanists, 50 more Christians prayed -- and they prayed to bless those on the 2nd floor.

It was a powerful and peaceful event. No yelling. No confrontations. According to Christians in attendance reporting to True Idaho News, the Spirit of the Lord reigned.

Keep the Republic host Daniel Bobinski looked at the event and took the opportunity to discuss the Christian foundations of America on his February 16 Keep the Republic TV show. Joining him on the show is Shane Klaas of Shane Talks Politics. Together, they analyzed a letter written in the fall of 1798 by John Adams -- then the sitting U.S. President -- to the Generals of the Massachusetts militia. In the letter, Adams calls attention to the chaos occurring in Europe at the time -- and that if America stopped walking the Christian walk and only talked the talk, then the country would similarly become horrible in which to live.

Looking around America today, we can see that Adams was correct.

Adams made it clear in his letter: Our Constitution was created only for a moral and religious people, and it is wholly unsuitable for governing people who are not moral nor religious.

RECOMMENDED READING: "Original Intent" by David Barton. The book can be purchased here: https://shop.wallbuilders.com/product/original-intent-paperback/

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