6 ASMR - Cork Scratching and a Whispered Reading of Buddhist Scriptures

2 years ago

Cork scratching. A whispered reading of some Buddhist scriptures...


0:00 - Intro
1:35 - Cork Scratching
3:52 - Whispered Reading
8:13 - Outro

Let all beings find happiness
Let hearts be whole.
Whatever beings they are -
Whether strong or weak,
Tall or short,
Small or large,
Beings seen or unseen,
Those living near or far away,
Those born,
And those yet to be born.
Let all of us find happiness.

The mind paves the way for its objects.
To speak or act with a peaceful mind
brings happiness after oneself.

Avoid imbalance of the mind.
There will be praise and there will be blame.
Do not let either affect the poise of the mind:
Extinguish pride, follow calmness.

Occasions of hatred are resolved by freedom
from hatred. This is the eternal law.

Triumph over anger with love.
Triumph over evil with goodness.
Triumph over malice with generosity.
Triumph over lies with the truth.

Let your love penetrate the universe,
To its great heights and depths,
A limitless love, free from hatred and hostility
Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down
As long as you are awake
Your life will bring heaven to earth.

Old friends pass away, new friends appear.
It is just like the days. An old day passes.
a new day arrives. The important thing
is to make it meaningful: a meaningful
friend - or a meaningful day.

Just as painful as an association
with unloved objects is a separation
from the objects that we love.

The wise follow concepts of common sense;
fools follow only hunger.

Because their minds are unobstructed they
are without fear. They have completely
passed beyond all error and so go on
to the fulfillment of nirvana.

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