Feb 3, 2016 ❤️ Jesus explains... The Rapture of My Bride and what awaits her and My coming Reign of Peace

1 year ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

The Rapture of My Bride and what awaits her & My coming Reign of Peace

February 3, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) I am here, Lord. Your words mean everything to me.

(Jesus) “I wanted to answer your musing about the Rapture. Yes, it is written some will be saved as going through the fire, but I do not intend that for My Bride. I have been steadily burning impurities from her heart, here on this Earth. Shall I not reward her faithfulness? Shall I add burning corrections to all she has suffered for Me?

“No, I tell you, I will not. You are going to experience sheer, unadulterated bliss the very moment I take you up. You will forget about the Earth and be encapsulated in the joy of My Heart.

“While I must deal with the Earth, you will be free from dealing with the Earth and seated at the finest banqueting table that has ever existed. We will be caught up together in joy unspeakable. This is a celebration, Clare, a time of ecstatic joy, for My Bride has been brought home to Me.

“Yes, you will indeed be changed from labor to freedom, the freedom of the Sons and Daughters of God, raised to the status of My Bride and Heavenly Spouse. No more will your sins trouble you, no more will the enemy buffet you, no more will you misunderstand or be misunderstood.

“No more will you labor under the slavery of your sin nature at constant battle with your flesh. Oh, how I look forward to the moment I can dance the dance of joy with My Bride before the citizens of Heaven and bring her into the place I created just for her.

“That day, you will at long last discover your indescribable beauty, hidden from you during your earthly sojourn. That day, you will put on the incorruptible, untarnishable crown of eternal life and step up to the throne I have created for you since before time began. No, this surely will not be a time of correction and purification, it shall be a time of transformation and freedom from the past.

“My Brides, that is why I am being so very careful with you now, to give you plenty of time to repent for those sins you never recognized. That’s what I mean by preparation. In this way, everything is under My Blood – never to be seen again, dissolved in My Sea of Mercy. Nor shall any spirit ever be able to bring up your past to you again. Yes! You will stand in My righteousness, in My glory – My glory for ages and ages and ages to come.

“You will be taught and trained in preparation for your return to Earth to rule with Me. The government will be one of righteousness, integrity, justice and peacekeeping. You will learn and understand in greater depth than ever before, the nature of men and the nature of demons.

“You will be instructed in healing, deliverance, infusions of knowledge, impartations and ordination, that you are fully equipped to bring all men to the knowledge of God and inspire them to release their lives to Me. Yes, you will harvest much fruit and lay the groundwork for a just Earth, where the poor are provided for, where corruption will not be tolerated, where greed and gain will be severely dealt with.

“There will be much during that time that no one has ever really pondered. Because of the institution of laws and order, much training and enforcement will be required. Angels will be assigned to you, men and women also will serve you and those who do not accept My rule will be confined and given chances for healing, growth and new life.

“You will find that many who appeared reprobate were strapped into terrible bondage and twisted from birth by the sins of their parents. As their limbs are untwisted and they learn how to stand and walk, they will renounce the ways of darkness and embrace the abundant life I offer them.

“You will understand deeply with heartfelt compassion the very nature of those who choose sin and why. So that you may be doctors of souls, bringing freedom and restoration to the glorious vision I hold in My heart for each of them.

“Yes, Oh Yes! There is so much to look forward to, and nothing to fear. So prepare yourselves, My Brides, prepare for the most wonderful and liberating experience ever to be had.

“Stay repentant every day and let not any sin take foothold in you. Rather come to Me immediately for forgiveness and strength.

“Understand… no one is hopeless! I am merciful and compassionate, knowing the frailty of all flesh. Your desire to be made perfect for Me will be counted as having been accomplished rather than incomplete and lacking. What your efforts have not accomplished, My Grace will finish.

“Go now in joyful expectation of that day. Keep it always in the forefront of your mind. Do not let the enemy steal it from you. Hold fast to what I have taught you. I am coming for you, too soon to be mentioned.”

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