America is far worse then Sodom and Gomorrah and will be destroyed

2 years ago

America is so wicked and will be destroyed completely, sodomites push their wickedness on everyone all the time and cry if they don't get their way, everything is about blacks now and the wicked in America care so much about race and want everyone to bow down to blacks, sodomites, abortion murderers, those who got the vaccines and wear a mask, churches in America are so dead that it is a funeral of dead people inside, apostate churches care only about the sodomites, abortion murderers, Ukraine, flying the sodomite flag, getting the vaccines and wearing a mask, they don't preach from the bible ever it offends them, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because they were haughty, hated the poor, visitor's, and pushed their Sodomites gay sexually immorality on everyone and tried to rape two angels and were blinded, God has enough of America and will be destroyed, no one will survive a nuclear attack at all, you get left behind you are left behind!!

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