Memory ~ You Must Learn to Control the Chaos of Your own Mind...

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Memory ~ You Must Learn to Control the Chaos of Your own Mind...

5:30pm PST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST, 1:30am UK Time, 3:30am SAST, 11:30am Sydney Australia, 1:30pm Wellington NZ

I will be LIVE tonight with an Amazing Show of Pure Truth about the Human Mind, and the Power of Memories…in fact, if one chooses NOT to Live in the Now, the Moment, then that person is RULED OVER by his/her Memories, whatever those may be…and the Sad Reality is, 99% of all Men and Wombmen, Currently, Live Lost in the Past, Worry about the Future, Forgetting the NOW…and 99.99% of all those that Live in the Past, hold on to PAINFUL and NEGATIVE Memories that Skew how they See themselves, and how the View the Purpose to Life…in other words, MOST people are permanently disconnected from the Truth of themselves, and their own history, leaving them VICTIMS to a System that pushes FEAR and DOUBT as a Way of Life, leaving the Individual LOST within themselves, disconnected from God; and thus, the Truth…

There are three different ways in which we can remedy this Madness, but they ALL require Mental Discipline, as an undisciplined Mind, is a Land Mine of Disaster…One, we can use the Powerful Tool of Meditation, and begin to learn to revisit all of our Key Moments, or Memories in our Lives, via Astral Travel, within…in this way, we are ABEL to revisit these Events and with the Gift of Detachment and Perspective, Elevation, where we are Able to see what ACTUALLY happened was FOR us and Never, To us…and in this way, we are Able to begin to see that our Lives have not been Disasters, filled with awful mistakes and tragedies, but rather LESSONS, designed by God to help us to GROW and EXPAND our Minds, by seeing beyond simply the Physical or Literal ‘Message’ to these moments, and there we are gifted the ability to see that our Lives have purpose and meaning, as we GROW in Stature as we Walk the Path of Life, Seeking God with all of our Free Will…Two, we can CHANGE our Memories and simply discard all of these ‘Old Memories’ that no longer serve us, that block us from Seeing the Truth of who we Truly are…for NEW MEMORIES created by yourself Doing the Will of God, which is Divine Service to All of God’s Creation, Acts of Random Kindness (ARKs)…becoming the Shepherds of this World, living in perfect Harmony with Mother Nature, and thus, with God as well…as it is thru these Kind Acts that we undo the effects of Karma that is wrapped around our Souls from committing Sinful Acts, and Cleanse ourselves in VIRTUE, Kindness to all of God’s Creation, lifting us out of Sin and Karma and into the Realm of Virtue and Dharma, which is Goodness and Synchronicity with God in All Moments…and Three, we can simply choose to abandon the Illusion of Linear Time (Past and Future, eliminating the Now), for The Now, Here and Now, Living in God’s Eternal Moment, where All is Blissful, Abundant and Eternal…

And the incredibly odyssey that this Show will Journey U on tonight, will leave U Transformed from the Victim of the Lost Soul, trapped on a Linear, Physical Timeline of Lies and Limitation, to an Enlightened Soul, FREE to explore All possibilities by Living Life Metaphysically and Spacially, Spiralling Outwards to discover, Eternally, All that God has intended for U, as an Enlightened, Golden Child of God...

So, make sure you join us for this MAGICAL show tonight, as you will be blown away by all that is revealed and the connections that we make...

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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