The Gene Decode Interview Everyone Needs to Hear!

2 years ago

(Note: I enjoy listening to Gene Decode because of his Naval Intel background and his scientific perspective, especially the facts and evidence our world is a globe. I also believe there are different timelines and so-called densities, so this might explain why some people might actually be in a flat earth (lower density at the same time) or trapped within domes as CH21 speaks of. Personally experiencing a near death experience, Mandela Effects and unexplained experiences I believe the possibilities of quantum entanglement that helps explain 2d, 3d or 4d experiences or how the cabal is using clone technology to allow projected consciousness or demonic possession control of a clone. One issue I don't agree with is how Gene interprets certain photos showing 3rd and 4th density earths at the same time, when all I see is a lens sun flare in the photo causing the secondary earth or sun anomaly in the photo. I'll believe him if he could definitely say he could see that secondary anomaly with his naked eye and not just shown in a photo. This also goes for videos that show obs flying around a person in videos. I would have to question if these people can see the so-called orbs with their naked eyes as well? I certainly do now see a white sun that I remember being yellowish in the past, so apparently I would be in 4th density. The other issue, coming from my personal Catholic perspective, is when Gene speaks of ascension or the rapture, I interpret that simply as the coming of the new heaven and earth and our new glorified bodies which is in the bible, but I guess is all the same thing. Some strong unexplained desire certainly prompted me to create my own channel here and hopefully I am helping people wake up to the evil intent of the cabal and the now obvious infiltration and corruption of the Catholic leadership. Sadly, if any priest, bishop or cardinal speaks up, especially regarding the global genocide vaxx agenda or child trafficking/abuse, they are quickly silenced or reprimanded. Evil cannot exist in the light of truth, especially as truth is spread. Pray! Marcum)

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Feb 17, 2023.

(Note: The secret is out. Soon they will not be able to walk down the streets (including pro-genocide Catholic leadership/priests). The mainstream media (MSM)/Vatican are all complicit in design, not only for hiding the reality of child trafficking (adrenochrome), but supporting the C19 genocide narrative. They are all demon-controlled MK-Ultra/Clones or demon possessed shapeshifting reptoids or blackmailed for their deeds. Humans do not act or think this way. Once you know this fact everything fits. The lizard-brain mentality trait is now easy to spot, plus those possessed cannot deviate from the exposed demonic global hive-mind narrative. Proof- Total systematic cancelling of the good priests and doctors. They need us, but we sure as hell do not need these psychopathic nutjobs or the Soros/Antifa/WEF/UN/NWO/Commie/Francis agenda and the Great Reset global hive-mind BS, plus there are more of us. Think! How else could this evil plan been orchestrated if not through a single global coordinated satanic hive-mind? Pray for all the removed/canceled good priests, doctors and nurses! Marcum)

We ask every Q Warrior to share this list of channels. It’s extremely important for all of you to share and follow EVERY channel from this list for a reason that you will soon understand:
The Leader:
Mr X:
The Punisher:
Patrick Kennedy:
The President Q:
The Captain Q:
The American Prince:
Mr Q:
The Truth!:
Private Group:
Special Forces Seize Deep State Cloning Lab in Alaska

Military Arrests Deep State “Cloning Scientist”

Special Forces Destroy Deep State Cloning Lab
Think! What consciousness (entity) or hive-mind controls the clone? Marcum

(Note: All cabal members of this weird wacko pseudo – medical cult religion are exempt or faked getting their jab, while we are coerced or forced to get the death jab!
These criminals are all pedophiles (mostly controlled MK-Ultra clones) and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
The goal is global genocide and transform our children into (sub)-human 3.0 to allow demonic possession through nano-tech. This is the sickest and most diabolical plan devised in this spiritual battle. As Q posted, "protect your DNA" as that is the God-given fortress of protection.
Children have next to zero risk against so-called Covid, yet they are pushing this experimental drug under the guise of a vaccine. Think! why? Please see the following video link or see my letter I wrote to my local bishop back in 2019 (both links below).
They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths. Trump forced them to accelerate their plans which now exposes all their deceptions. Mostly all political and church leaders are now possessed demonic psychopaths. They are now exposed, trapped, afraid of us and panicking. "Children", are what will unite and wake up humanity to these soulless psychopathic nutjobs.
What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity? Pray! Marcum)

This is really happening, They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE!!!

Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’

Military Tribunal Convicts Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn
A military tribunal on Friday convicted former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn on charges of treason and accessory to murder after he admitted that he and other members of Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force had deceived their president into believing untested Covid-19 vaccines were safe and effective, pushing Trump to launch Operation Warp Speed.

Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine

Putin Intercepts Adrenochrome Shipment Headed to United States

Jessie Czebotar Interview #3
(Note: The cabal uses sex magic as a substitute to open certain spiritual gates (see 1:14) they couldn't open otherwise, hence why they target children and why they are ALL pedophiles.)

The Golden Ratio - Evidence of God (Everybody Hurts 432Hz – Marcum)

JAG Sentences Jerome Adams to Death

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