Can We Misapply Scripture to Bring Repentance? with Dave James

2 years ago

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Welcome to Search the Scriptures 24?/7, a program in which we encourage our listeners to be like the Bereans of Acts 17:11. They listened to the Apostle Paul and were commended for searching the Scriptures daily to see if what he was preaching was true to God’s Word. That’s the only way Christians can truly discern truth from error regarding what they’re being taught, no matter who or what is the source.

As Gary mentioned, our topic for today is a book that is atop the New York Times bestseller list titled The Harbinger, authored by Jonathan Cahn. Our guest is Dave James, the author of The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction?, which in fact takes issue with Jonathan Cahn’s best seller, a book that is obviously growing in its influence among Christians and non-Christians alike.

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