2 years ago

Nicola Tesla said that if you want to understand the Universe then think about Energy, Frequency and Vibration.

Everything has a vibratory frequency, which is called the resonant frequency.

How does it work? The theory, in simple language, can be explained using an analogy of an opera singer using her voice to break a glass. The glass vibrates at a certain frequency and when the opera singer sings at that particular frequency, the glass shatters.

In the same way, each microorganism (fungus, bacteria, virus, parasite, amoeba, mold, etc.) has a unique and specific frequency (or vibratory rate). When you add MORE THAN THIS SAME frequency to the microorganism, it cannot tolerate it and it explodes or dies.

Treatment programs are typically made up of multiple frequencies. You may ask "Why are so many frequencies needed when it only takes one or two to inactivate a pathogen?" There are four main reasons why programs have additional frequencies:

Healing frequencies are often used to activate or improve the functions of organs, tissues and cells. Your detoxification, circulation and immune systems can benefit from these additional frequencies.
Pathogens often have several life stages. Each stage, from eggs and larvae to adult parasites, requires a different frequency. If each stage is not attacked, the pathogen will return with a vengeance.
Frequencies that have been shown to work with many different pathogens are often included to address the prevention of opportunistic infections.
Frequencies for cleansing, relaxation, and general well-being are often included in programs to help people cope with any adverse reactions.

The extra frequencies within a program help to give more consistent and beneficial results.

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