Statue of Liberty: Facts & History Explained

2 years ago

The Statue of Liberty, located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, is an iconic symbol of American freedom and democracy. For many people, a visit to this historic landmark is a must, and for good reason.

In this video, I will briefly go through the whole history of the Statue, touching on the people who built it and why, its significance and symbolism, as well as how it was constructed.

Whether you're planning a visit to the Statue of Liberty or just want to know more about it without having to watch a long video or read a lengthy blog then this is perfect for you!


Media name - Gaius Cassius Longinus and Lentulus Spinther. 42 BC. AR Denarius.jpg
Author / source - Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.
Changes made - removed background and reverse side

Media name - Liberty Island Jul 2019 21.jpg
Author Epicgenius
Source Own work
Licence -

Media name - Liberty Island Jul 2019 35.jpg
Author- Epicgenius
Source- Own work

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