In The Moment

2 years ago

I find myself saying: "I hope you have a good day" to people as I meet up with them and talk with them, I usually close with that statement. Then I wonder what really constitutes a “good day”? Is a good day all about staying comfortable in our flesh? I believe it is staying wholly-holy aligned with God, or another way of saying it: Stay In The Moment With God. What I love about God is that His purpose for us is always in play. He is always bettering our lives, teaching us, molding us, shaping us. It is kind of cool that there is God purpose in everything, in every season God is in it and He has brought us to it purposefully. God has a plan, so stay focused on God, He is purposefully working in us, so He can work through us, purposefully so.
Yield the moment to God and stay with Him, let Him navigate us, controlling our comfort zone. It may get really hot, unlike what we are used to, it may get very cold and we will feel uncomfortable, but God is with us, navigating us. God has a perfect, purposeful endgame for the life season we find ourselves growing through. He brings us to it, He grows us through it. This is our God, our God Who finishes well.

Are you in the moment with God or are you stuck in your man made comfort zone? Today we are challenged to stay in the moment with God, put action to our faith, as we purposefully dig our life roots deeply in God’s way, truth and life, and we don’t despise small beginnings, we wait and patiently endure the growing times. We know as we trust God completely with our lives, as we have given Him the pen to write our life story, that it will be full of God purpose, good for us, glory for Him. Every challenge we face in this life, the God purpose in the challenge is greater than the challenge itself. God finishes what He starts and He finishes well. God Wins. Stay connected to God, Heart To Heart and stay strong in your commitment to a vital-vertical relationship with God. God said that all we need to do is believe Him, let God work, yield to God and watch the incredible things He can do as you wait yielded in belief, trust and active faith. God bless ya. Yield To God. So to dig deeper in this, we yield our “comfort zone” to God’s control: Stuck?! In Your Comfort Zone?!

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