MR. NON-PC - LGBTQIA Is A Religion And They Demand You Worship It!

2 years ago

Here we are in the year 2023 and if you've been living in the U.S the past few years then you've definitely noticed how the LGBTQIA RELIGION is being pushed 24/7.

Now who is "they" pushing it?? It's the Satanic U.S Government, The Power Structure, Anti-Social Media, The Corporations and everything really. And they don't wanna admit that it's a RELIGION.....AND THEY DEMAND YOU WORSHIP IT.

Now even though worldwide these LGBTQIA peepz are only around 2% of the population worldwide (I'd say more like 1% or less) they dominate TV, Anti-Social Media and Satanic U.S Government policy 24/7/365!

People gotta realize....the LGBTQIA is A RELIGION....and they demand you worship it!

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