SLOBODNI podcast #3 "Pfizerovi dokumenti" prvi dio

2 years ago

🙏 Podržite nas,kupnjom kavice ☕ "Pfizerovi dokumenti" je knjiga koja donosi šokantne informacije kao rezultat analize originalnih Pfizerovih dokumenata o ispitivanjima cjepiva za C19.
Donosimo vam intervju sa gospođom Amy Kelly iz "Daily Clout", glavnim projekt menađerom ove knjige.
Preko 3000 stručnjaka pod koordinacijom gospođe Amy Kelly iz Daily Clout-a analirali su dokumente koji su prezentirani javnosti nakon što je sud odbio zahtjev FDA da ih zapečati na 75 godina.
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Edited 27.02.23. EMA je znala kao i Pfizer

The book "The Pfizer Documents brings shocking information as a result of the analysis of the original Pfizer documents on the C19 vaccine trials.
We bring you an interview with Ms. Amy Kelly from "Daily Clout", the main project manager of this book.
Over 3,000 experts coordinated by Ms. Amy Kelly of Daily Clout analyzed the documents that were presented to the public after the court rejected the FDA's request to seal them for 75 years.
Attachments mentioned in the show can be downloaded here
You can buy the book here
Edited 27.02.23- EMA new as Pfizer

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