Unprofessional "triggered" Intern for House State Rep Justin Woodson

1 year ago

We recorded Joanne and Levana walking into Justin Woodson's office to inform him about the pornographic books found in some of Hawaii's public libraries in the kid section. We breifly filmed Joanne as she had the UH intern or possibly tax payer funded Rep secretary inform House Rep Justin Woodson about us. Justin Woodson told us we would have to wait to talk to him later, perhaps after his next meeting.

Joanne talked to two female college interns/ or possibly paid secretaries about following up with Woodson. While Joanne was discussing the nature of why she meant to meet with Woodson, she brought up parental rights as well as the controversial books. The woman that you see here in this video was getting triggered during that time and told Joanne that she felt uncomfortable with the issue being discussed.

1. The woman/UH intern?/Woodson's tax payer funded secretary? you see later filming the group of lobbyists outside Woodson's office claims that she was just taking pictures to inform Woodson who was there to see him. This is a lie. She had already gotten our information from us and did not need to take our pictures for her Rep.
2. The woman then claimed that she felt uncomfortable because we continued to film her. That is also a lie. We did not film her anytime after Woodson had come out to see us. During the time she was not being filmed, she was getting triggered, getting smart with Joanne over the nature of her visit, and being very unprofessional with her tone and manner in the office. It was during that time that she said she felt uncomfortable with the issues Joanne was talking about.
3. The scene where she is being filmed again is about 10-15 minutes after we had left her office. Basically she was just trying to make trouble with the lobbyists for no good reason other than she was triggered with the nature of their visit. She forgot that she was not at an Antifa rally, abortion rally, or LGBTQ rally, she was supposed to be working at an office as a public servant setting up appointments to meet with the State Rep she worked for. Instead she allowed her feelings to guide her unprofessional behavior at the office.

This behavior is typical of what you'd witness with leftist radicals. The problem is when these people get into government positions or become elected officials. They cannot separate general business from their "triggered" feelings. These are the same kind of people who don't believe in "My body, my choice," if it deals with the 💉. These are also the kind of people that have a problem with free speech unless it coincides with their politics and progress ideology.

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