Scary video of Lions walking towards car!

2 years ago

As humans, we have a built-in fear of the unknown, and nature often falls into that category. Experiencing a close encounter with wildlife in its natural habitat can be surprisingly intimidating and unnerving, even for experienced outdoorsmen. One type of situation that could occur is an encounter with apex predators, such as lions. A recent video has gone viral of a group of male lions walking towards a car in Kruger National Park in South Africa. Although the lions did not attack, the video sparked much fear and concern from viewers around the world.

The first thing viewers may notice in the video is the drive-by nature of it. The car is not stationary, but driving slowly through what appears to be a safari tour loop as the lions circle around and approach it. The lions seem to be comfortable with the close proximity of the car, taking steps that seem almost purposeful as they stalk around it. Individuals are likely to feel a hint of the thrill an adventurer must have felt in those moments of close, wild

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